3 Rich And Nutritious Recipes For Underweight Pregnant Women

Are you worried about insufficient gestational weight gain and the consequences for your baby? The recipes for underweight pregnant women are very effective; We offer you some suggestions below.
3 rich and nutritious recipes for underweight pregnant women

If you are pregnant, you are surely concerned about your well-being, as well as that of your future baby. That is why weight at this stage becomes very important. The recipes for underweight pregnant women that we present here not only allow you to gain kilos, but also offer other advantages.

For example, with these foods you can also avoid congenital diseases in the future baby. In addition, they provide you with the nutrients your body needs for a healthy pregnancy and normal baby development.

3 recipes for underweight pregnant women with high nutritional power

The ideal is to have a healthy and balanced diet that helps you increase those kilos that you need during pregnancy. Here are some recipes to consume daily.

1. Lentil and soy salad

Legumes stand out for their high content of complex carbohydrates and protein. The latter are essential to ensure good muscle health, according to a study published in Nutrients .


  • 400 g of lentils.
  • 100 g of soy.
  • 2 carrots
  • 200 g of lettuce.
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 onion.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.


  • One day before preparing this recipe, soak the lentils.
  • When this period passes, cook them for 45 minutes with salt. Then drain them and run them under cold water.
  • In a bowl, place the grated carrot, lettuce, onion and chopped soybeans.
  • Add the lentils and mix with a little lemon juice, olive oil and salt to taste.

2. Noodles with peas and ham

With this preparation you will make sure to include a good caloric intake in the daily schedule, from the pasta.


  • 400 g of noodles or other pasta.
  • 100 g of diced ham.
  • 200 g of peas.
  • 250 g of bechamel or liquid cream.
  • Olive oil.
  • Grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Salt.


  • Place a frying pan with oil on the fire; add the ham and peas.
  • On the other hand, cook the noodles and place them in a saucepan already drained.
  • Add the peas, ham, cream and Parmesan cheese to taste.
Rice with chicken, an essential among the recipes for pregnant women with low weight.

3. Rice with chicken and spices

Spices are essential to ensure a modulation of inflammation, which has been shown to positively impact health. Curcumin, also present in curry, stands out for its anti-inflammatory power.


  • 250 g of rice.
  • 2 chicken breasts.
  • 200 g of mushrooms.
  • 2 carrots
  • 100 ml of vegetable broth.
  • ½ onion.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt, pepper and curry.


  • Cook the rice for 15 minutes in a pan with oil.
  • Meanwhile, sauté all the other ingredients. Start with the onion, finally, add the chicken and the vegetable broth.
  • Cook until a sauce forms and thickens.
  • Place the rice on the plate, top with the chicken with the vegetables and the sauce.

Tips for Gaining Weight During Pregnancy

It is relevant that you take into account some recommendations to ensure that the foods you eat increase your weight during pregnancy. Some of them are:

The choice of food

Fresh and natural foods that are light and healthy are recommended. You should avoid the consumption of sodas, fried foods, junk foods, beers and soft drinks.

Eat frequently

You should consume 5 to 6 times a day recipes for pregnant women with low weight in small portions. You must never skip breakfast, because you must start early to consume the nutrients that your body demands.

Pay attention to vitamin requirements

To gain weight, you must eat a balanced diet, although you can consume more carbohydrates, such as pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, and cereals.

You also  need to increase your protein intake, such as meats, eggs, fish, and nuts. Don’t forget vegetable protein, which is found in a wide variety of grains.

On the other hand, a myriad of fruits and vegetables provide vitamin C, beta-carotene and antioxidants. All of these contribute to gaining weight in a healthy way.

The same happens with dairy products and their derivatives, which should preferably be skimmed. For example, yogurt, milk, liquid cream and cheeses, among others, retain their nutritional value and increase calories when consumed.

Medical care for weight gain

Of course, recipes for underweight pregnant women must be recommended by a nutritionist. If despite your efforts you do not achieve the required weight, you have to see a doctor immediately.

He will assess the situation to prescribe the appropriate treatment; it is usually a prenatal vitamin supplement. These provide you with folic acid, iron and calcium, among other vitamins and minerals that help you gain weight.

Consequences of being underweight during pregnancy

Being underweight during pregnancy causes premature deliveries and low birth weight of the baby. Likewise, there can be disorders in the child’s learning, developmental problems and congenital malformations.

A very graphic and important fact is that there is higher mortality in children with low weight in relation to children with an adequate weight. On the other hand, weight deficiency affects you during the postpartum stage.

In order to prevent it, it is important to know the risks of obesity in pregnancy.

Factors influencing weight deficiency during pregnancy

Some of the causes that most influence this condition of the future mother are:

  • Restrictive diets
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Poverty.
  • Teen pregnancies.

The recipes for underweight pregnant may be the solution for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth complications and happy. In addition, we cannot ignore that they are delicious and very simple to prepare.

How Low Weight Affects Pregnancy

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