4 Books To Put Down The Pacifier

The pacifier is the first inseparable object of the little ones, and removing it is not an easy task. Today we bring you a selection of children’s books to put down the pacifier.
4 books to put down the pacifier

The first inseparable object of our babies is, without a doubt, the pacifier. For this reason, when it comes time to have to say goodbye, many of the children flatly refuse to do so.

Giving up the pacifier is, in the vast majority of cases, a difficult and complex process that requires a lot of understanding and patience, as well as the possibility of using different resources to do so.

How to act during this stage

One of the phrases that adults resort to more when we see a somewhat older child still using a pacifier is: “the pacifier is for babies”. It is not advisable to use these types of phrases because of the complexes that children can create, having, in addition, other resources available.

The first thing we must be clear about is that each child is completely different from the others and has a different pace of learning and development. It is neither good nor advisable to compare, much less force, since the child must be prepared for it.

Mother helping her son to put down the pacifier.

To make this preparation easier and that the process is not so complex, we show you the books as a support tool. Children understand the stories found in children’s books very well so, below, we leave you a selection of children’s books to put down the pacifier.

Children’s books to give up the pacifier

1. Edu no longer needs the pacifier

Edu no longer needs a pacifier  is included in the Little Edu collection   in which each book shows typical things from the lives of babies and young children. In this case, this title deals with a subject as complex as it is to stop using the pacifier. And the thing is that Edu loves to carry a pacifier: to play, to go on a tricycle or in the car, with mom … Even to eat!

But, little by little, the protagonist of the story realizes how uncomfortable it is to brush his teeth with a pacifier, give his little sister a kiss or communicate with his parents.

One night, Edu’s tiredness makes the little boy fall asleep and the pacifier falls out of his mouth without realizing it. The next morning, Edu wakes up and, after having breakfast, brushing his teeth and kissing his little sister, he realizes that everything that morning has been very simple. What will be the motive?

A book recommended for children from two years with beautiful illustrations and a very simple text to be read as a family.

2. T he pacifier leaving book , one of the funniest books to put down the pacifier

As we said before, it is the child who must take the step of giving up the pacifier and being fully aware of their actions. However, The Pacifier Book  will help you greatly by showing different children who decide where they want to leave their pacifier.

Once the story is read, we are sure that the little one, once the different stories have been assimilated, will want to put down his pacifier, just as the different protagonists of the story have done.

The illustrations in the book are the undisputed protagonists of the story, although they are accompanied by a phrase in each of them to introduce the protagonists.

A very curious fact to highlight in this book is that on the final page there is a space for the child to indicate where or what he has done with his pacifier, as well as a blank space to include a photograph of the child without a pacifier.

Pacifiers and a stuffed animal behind.

3. Goodbye to the pacifier!

Carlos’s mother has told him that he is already an older child, so he should not wear a pacifier. However, Carlos is not quite ready to leave his inseparable friend.

Through a book-game that offers total autonomy to the child through flaps and the other interactions included in its pages, readers will know the way in which Carlos decides to give up the pacifier, if he succeeds.

4. Charlotte’s pacifiers

The target audience for this book is mainly that group of slightly older children who have not yet managed to give up the pacifier. Although, as we have indicated previously, there is no specific age for it.

The protagonist of the story is Charlotte, a slightly older girl who has a multitude of pacifiers, which she changes but never removes from her mouth. Charlotte’s family is upset with the girl because, even to speak, she does not remove the pacifier.

Will her family get Charlotte to give up the pacifier and be able to talk to her? Will Charlotte want to take that step? A fun illustrated album that will delight adults and will be an example for the little ones. 

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