5 Grandmother’s Recipes For Kids

Traditional or modern food? For the little ones in the house, Grandma’s recipes are still an excellent option. They will provide essential nutrients to ensure their development.
5 grandma's recipes for kids

These grandmother recipes for children are options for menus that are more attractive to them due to their ingredients or appearance. In this way adherence to the diet will be better and therefore they will be more likely to eat everything.

Remember that it is necessary to instill in children from an early age the need to carry out a varied diet, otherwise the risk of developing deficiencies in the medium term that cause the appearance of pathologies will increase.

Vegetable soup with ham

This hot soup provides the nutrients of the vegetables and ham in a simple and delicious way. It has phytonutrients in its composition that have an antioxidant character. The regular intake of these substances is associated with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases, as confirmed by research published in the journal Molecules .


  • 3 potatoes in pieces.
  • 5 carrots, sliced.
  • ½ sliced ​​zucchini.
  • 1 sliced ​​leek.
  • 1 l of chicken or meat broth.
  • 100 g of diced ham.
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of oil.


  • In a saucepan, sauté the minced garlic in the oil. Add the vegetables and fry them for a few minutes. Finally, add the York ham and stir for a few moments.
  • Pour the meat broth over the sauce. Then boil for about half an hour or until the potatoes are soft.
  • Salt and serve. These ingredients are not limiting, other vegetables or proteins can be added.
Vegetable soup with ham is one of the most typical grandmother's recipes.

Spaghetti with tomato and chicken

In this grandma’s recipe, the attractive pasta is served with tomato and a lean protein.


  • Spaghetti (quantity to taste).
  • ½ chicken in pieces.
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour.
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Oregano.
  • Laurel.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.


  • Crush the garlic, oregano and bay leaf in a mortar. With this mixture, season the chicken previously seasoned and mix it with the oil; marinate for an hour.
  • Once macerated, coat it with flour and fry it in plenty of oil. When removing, drain on blotting paper. Cut the tomatoes and fry them in olive oil with a little salt and pepper.
  • Cook the pasta. To serve, first place the pasta, bathe it with the tomato mixture and place several pieces of chicken on top.

Rice pudding, one of the most famous grandmother’s recipes

 The classic rice pudding, one of the grandmother’s recipes, will never cease to be in everyone’s culinary imagination. Anyway, keep in mind that this recipe has a large amount of sugar. The regular intake of this nutrient has been shown to promote a worse state of health, so these types of recipes should be consumed occasionally.


  • 100 g of rice.
  • 1 l of milk.
  • 100 g of sugar.
  • 20 g of butter.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Cinnamon stick and powder.


  • In a saucepan, heat the milk without boiling. Add sugar, lemon zest and 2 cinnamon sticks; boil and add the rinsed rice. Immediately reduce to medium heat and stir constantly.
  • When the volume of milk decreases to the desired amount of liquid, remove from the heat.
  • Extract the cinnamon sticks and mix the butter very well with the preparation. Let stand for a while and serve, sprinkling cinnamon powder on top.
    Rice pudding is one of the healthiest sweet recipes.

    Potatoes with broken eggs and ham

    This traditional recipe combines the fried potatoes that children love with egg and ham.


    • ½ kg of potatoes cut into sticks.
    • 3 eggs.
    • 1 onion.
    • Sliced ​​ham.
    • Chopped parsley.
    • Olive oil.


    • Fry the potatoes in plenty of hot oil until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper. Add salt.
    • Fry the eggs in a little oil without being overcooked. Turn off the heat, immediately add the potatoes and stir to break the eggs.
    • Serve immediately with slices of ham and sprinkle with parsley.

    Churros with chocolate

    The crunchiness and sweetness of the churros alongside the liquid chocolate is a tempting option for children.

    Ingredients for the churros:

    • 1 cup of wheat flour.
    • 1/2 cup of milk.
    • 1/2 cup of water
    • 1 spoon of sugar.
    • 110 g of butter.
    • 3 eggs.
    • Sunflower oil.
    • Cinnamon.
    • Sugar.
    • 1 pinch of salt.

    For the chocolate:

    • Semisweet chocolate.
    • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter.
    • Liquid milk.
    • ½ cup of consensual milk.


    • In a saucepan, heat the milk, water, butter and salt without boiling. Turn off the heat and pour in the flour, stirring until you have a thick mixture.
    • Let cool a little and add and mix the eggs. Use a pastry sleeve of the appropriate size.
    • Heat oil in a frying pan and add portions of the dough in an elongated way. When browning, they will be cut into smaller sections.
    • When removing the churros, place them on absorbent paper to degrease them. While still hot, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
    • Melt the chocolate and add butter, liquid milk and condensed milk, depending on the desired thickness.

      Make grandma’s recipes for kids

      These are just five grandmother recipes for children, with which the little ones will enjoy and savor traditional flavors and aromas, try them!

      In the family recipe there are many others that can also be tempting for them; That is why it is important that children also enjoy preparing the dishes.

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