5 Phrases All Parents Should Use

5 phrases all parents should use

One of the necessary skills at home is knowing the phrases that all parents should use to have proper communication with their family members. Saying the right words at the right time is essential to helping your children become empowered.

The stronger and more stable the relationship between parents and children, the more likely they are to form balanced and successful adults. In this article you will find several very simple phrases that help nurture the bond you have with your children.

If you go to these phrases that all parents should use, you can achieve in your children qualities such as self-confidence, happiness, the confidence of knowing that they are loved and a solid self-esteem. Take advantage of any moment together to let your family know how important it is to you. If you express yourself with love and sincerity, your children will learn to do it too.

phrases all parents should use

Words of Encouragement: The Phrases All Parents Should Use

1. “I love you.” It is perhaps the most obvious and also one of the most important. Children need to know that you love them and accept them unconditionally. Although in some contexts it is not common to use this type of expressions, they have an essential value to improve family dynamics. Say it frequently, avoid assuming that your partner and your children already know. These words are triggers of happiness and affection.

2. “Keep going! Try it!”. When an action does not put the integrity of the family at risk, you must motivate them. Encouraging them to take on challenges helps them believe in themselves and in all of their abilities. Adulthood is a stage in which you encounter daily challenges, so if from a young age you prepare them to dare and take a step forward, they will be capable and brave adults.

3. “I am proud / proud of you.” You don’t have to expect a great achievement in your children’s lives to tell them that you are proud of them. The important thing is that they know that you are proud of who they are, not what they do. What they do is temporary, but what they are is eternal. Use this phrase when you see positive behavior, a value that you have sought to encourage in them.

4. “I offer my apologies. Sometimes during heated arguments you can say something hurtful that you don’t really mean. If this happens, it is essential that you offer an apology. When you show humility, your children respect you more and learn that all people make mistakes and that they must be assumed responsibly.

5. “I’m here for you, count on me.” As children grow older, they demand more independence. They want freedom to choose and take their own paths. The most important thing is that you let them know that you are always there for them.

Some additional tips …

Forming a family is an adventure full of joys, questions and doubts. How to use these phrases? At what point should you do it?

Phrases that all parents should use
  • Start small. Pick one of the phrases you just read and use it at least once in the following month. Then choose another and start combining them day after day. Although it is sometimes difficult to express yourself, it is essential that you do so.
  • Supplement these words with a little physical contact. There is nothing that speaks with more sincerity than the look and the hugs.
  • Let them know that their opinions count, that in addition to saying nice words, you listen to what they have to say to you.
  • At all costs avoid saying things that you will later regret. Try not to respond with negative words when your temper is upset. Negative phrases last longer in the mind than positive ones.
  • Recognize their great and small achievements. Always tell them that they are good, smart, capable, talented, and valuable. Although sometimes things do not go as expected, there are always opportunities to try again. Even when you are correcting inappropriate behavior, highlight its virtues above all else.
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