5 Sports To Improve Children’s Psychomotor Skills

Motivation and psychophysical development should be the main goals of parents. Make sure your child has a process according to his sports tastes.
5 sports to improve children's psychomotor skills

To refer to the psychomotor skills of children is to understand that each physical movement has its origin in the infant’s mind. This aspect is fundamental in human development and, therefore, must be treated from the grassroots. There are different ways of working on psychomotor skills, one of them is sports. In that order of ideas, below, we will show you a series of recommendations for your children to put into practice.

Before continuing, remember that all sports activities should be enjoyed by children. Thus, the benefits will be much more relevant and they will be constantly motivated.

Sports for children’s psychomotor skills

Physical movement has become more relevant with the passage of time and research. This is necessary for the integral development of the human being to be carried out in a timely manner.

However, children’s psychomotor skills become much more important because this aspect must be worked on from the physical, physiological and psychological bases. As mentioned above, it is possible that motor skills are improved through various sports.


Boys in a soccer training to improve children's psychomotor skills.

Soccer is one of the favorite sports for parents and children. Being one of the most practiced, it is usually the first experienced by children around the world.

However, it is not only recommended for being popular, but for the benefits it brings to children’s psychomotor skills. Its regular practice stimulates different physical capacities, among which coordination, agility and balance stand out.

In this way, the child will learn to control his motor skills through his thoughts. This process will be built step by step through football.

Swimming to improve children’s psychomotor skills

Making a list with sports and not including swimming is practically illogical. This sporting discipline offers benefits in all possible fields and children’s psychomotor skills is one of them. For something it is known as the most complete sport.

In the water, children must be aware of a large number of physical movements and processes. Technical gestures such as stroking and kicking, as well as breathing, cause little ones to increase their concentration. In addition, the continuous practice of this sport favors the development of physical capacities such as endurance, coordination, strength and flexibility.


Karate is one of the most famous martial arts in the world, but its practice is usually more popular in eastern regions. This combat sport focuses on respect for the opponent, as well as control of one’s own body.

This discipline is recommended to improve children’s psychomotor skills, since it favors motor and mental self-knowledge. In addition, it requires a high degree of communication with peers.

Children can also learn to improve things related to emotions, such as anger management and impulse control. In this way, psychomotor skills can also increase.

Basketball to improve children’s psychomotor skills

The series of movements involved in a sport like basketball suggests that psychomotor development must be high. As a mother, imagine your child doing a scrolling while bouncing a ball with his hands.

In order for the above situation to be carried out, it is advised that children’s psychomotor skills be high. The methodological exercises of basketball favor this aspect.

On the other hand, they also contribute to the development of physical abilities such as coordination, agility and endurance. To these is added the ability to react and make decisions.


Boy playing tennis.

Sit down with your child to watch a tennis match. If he is older than 6 or 7, ask him what he thinks and what evidence. He will probably tell you about how fast the ball moves or how the players move on the court.

If you have the possibility of bringing him closer to a tennis academy, do so. The displacements, as well as the hitting of the ball with the racket, come to favor the psychomotor skills of the children. Coordination, strength and agility converge in this sporting discipline. Without a doubt, a good alternative to favor mind and body.

Tastes first, bases first

Despite the above recommendations, sports to improve children’s motor skills should be based on taste. Therefore, make sure that your child does a sports discipline that motivates him and makes him happy.

Consult with the family doctor and listen to what advice he has about the sports practices that your child can do. On the other hand, it is necessary for sports disciplines to have an important pre-sports teaching component. Especially if the children are under 5 years old. In this way, the foundations of the children’s psychomotor skills will be much stronger and development will be optimal.

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