5 Ways To Make Vegetables Attractive To Children

Because we are aware of the difficulty of your children eating vegetables, here are some ways to make vegetables attractive for children.
5 ways to make vegetables attractive to kids

Having available ways to make vegetables attractive to children is always a help for any mother. As you well know, vegetables are essential for their health and growth because they are rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals.

Although you should keep in mind that getting your child to eat vegetables depends entirely on your ability to cook them. To do this, you must use your imagination to allow yourself to create playful and colorful presentations that will encourage the little one to eat vegetables.

5 ways to make vegetables attractive to kids

If the little one is reluctant to eat, do not panic, as reconciliation is not impossible. You don’t have to push him too hard, and you need to be patient so that, over time, he’ll have an appetite for vegetables. To combat this refusal, here are five ways to make vegetables appealing to kids. You will see that it is not as difficult to achieve as you think.

1. Mix green vegetables into smoothies

A good way to get our kids fed right is to add certain raw vegetables to smoothies. Fresh spinach leaves or zucchini slices will go unnoticed in a smoothie made with a banana and a little non-dairy milk.

On the other hand, you can try preparing a beet smoothie with blueberries, a mixed banana, and orange juice. Carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli also go unnoticed if you mix them with sweet fruits like grapes, pears, red fruits, and pineapple juice.

This will ensure that you meet your needs for antioxidants, nutrients that have been shown to be important in delaying aging.

Ways to make vegetables attractive to children.

2. Vegetables in cakes

They will increase the nutritional value of the dessert and, at the same time, add more color. As well as offering a lighter and smoother texture to the final result.

Chocolate and zucchini cake, carrot cake or beetroot muffins… are some of the multiple combinations. Lastly, grated vegetables in cakes are a very subtle but effective option. Its flavor will go completely unnoticed and will give the preparations a smooth and airy texture without equal.

3. Serve gratin vegetables

If the smoothies and cakes are not successful, try the gratins with bechamel with milk and covered with cheese. The idea is to combine your kids’ favorite ingredients with the vegetables they are so reluctant to eat.

For example, aubergines and tomatoes take on another flavor in gratin. Vegetable gratins can also be mixed with fish or minced meat to make them a complete dish.

The positive thing about gratins is that, through these preparations, the consumption of dairy is encouraged. These foods contain calcium, an essential mineral to ensure bone health, as stated by research published in Nutrients .

4. Transform raw vegetables into sticks, skewers or sandwiches

Raw vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, among others) can be chopped and inserted into wooden sticks. This way they are turned into skewers and can be dipped in sauces such as hummus, fresh cheese or plain yogurt.

Present your skewers before each meal, as children are hungrier at that time and can be more easily tempted to try new foods.

Ways to make vegetables attractive to children.

5. Purees and smooth textures

Children generally appreciate smooth textures and this allows many vegetables to go unnoticed and divert their attention.

You can have hot purees during the winter and cold ones in the summer and suggest that your child use the straw or spoon for their consumption. You can also offer the purees on toast, either covered with a cube of cheese or a slice of ham.

Introduce new foods into children’s diets

In general, children are more willing to try a new food when it is included in some combination.  If your child likes pasta, rice or pizza, do not hesitate to accompany their dishes with vegetables.

And above all, do not forget to deceive him with the presentation. A good example is using two black olives for the eyes, a touch of ketchup for the nose, and a slice of cheese for the mouth will make your child more interested in the plate.

There are many more ways to make vegetables attractive to children. The ideal is to try several until we achieve what we want; that is to say, that our children learn to eat healthily and not be disgusted by different foods.

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