6 Plans To Do With The Children During The Bridges

The long-awaited bridging days are distributed throughout the year to take advantage of them as a respite from the busy family routine, both for adults and children. They can also participate in the plans to do with the children during the bridges, and enjoy a short but very interesting and rewarding vacation that will strengthen emotional ties.
6 plans to do with the children during the bridges

Holidays such as Easter, Carnival, patriotic dates and Christmas are fixed short vacation periods on the calendar. All these days, added to the festivities of each particular region, are the perfect excuse if you need plans to do with the children during the bridges.

Generally, these bridges are given if the holiday date falls on a Thursday, Friday or Monday  for a long weekend. Every once in a while, three or four days of family recreation come in handy. However, when there are children in the house, they set the tone on the holidays.

Where to go with children on bridge days?

Currently, there is a wide variety of places to take children on these short vacations. The choice depends on the age of your children and their preferences, the season of the year and, of course, the budget. If you take these data into account, it will be easier to make plans to do with the children during the bridges.

Do not complicate yourself by taking a long trip to an expensive place. In your own city or in nearby regions, the options are on the table :

  • Beach or water parks.
  • Field trips.
  • Zoo or contact farms.
  • Circus shows.
  • Museum.
  • Movie theater.
  • Theme parks.
  • Children’s theater plays.
  • Sport activities.
  • Attend a game of football, baseball, tennis.

6 great plans to do with the children during the bridges

Choosing the plans to do with the children during the bridges requires the fun participation of family members a few weeks or days before. First, they will need to investigate whether it will be hot or cold days.

In addition,  it should be analyzed if there are recreation options close to home or if they will spend the long weekend in another location. Here are some resources for those days:

Water activities

Beaches and parks with pools and slides are almost always the favorites of children. If you live near the sea, it is a very advantageous and economical alternative.

They  can also make a difference by staying at a beach hotel for several days  instead of coming home at night. This will allow you to enjoy the beach until evening, by the light of a campfire.

Family ties are cared for by spending quality time.

Know the field

You can take them to a nearby rural region and help them discover the activities of the countryside. Today, there are places of this type oriented to tourism, with contact farms where children see and interact closely with animals. These offer walks and preparation of artisan sweets that will pleasantly surprise the kids.

Zoos are also very entertaining, because there they will see animals from distant lands that they only know on television. In these places, outdoor rides by bicycle, internal trains or boats are combined on the lake.

The circus is here!

All children like the circus, and the good thing is that it is an outing that fits small budgets. Its attractions are classic human stunts, fearsome wild animal shows – now banned in many countries – and songs.

In the same way, they will find clowns that invite them to participate in the games and that will delight children, without forgetting the candies and the famous cotton candy. You can keep an eye on the local news if a circus comes to your city to include it in the plans to do with the children during the bridges.

Visit to museums

This does not seem like a good idea in the plans to do with the children during the bridges, but it may surprise even you. There are museums not only of paintings and sculptures, but also of entertainment stars, athletes and natural sciences.

Your children will be able to learn and participate in programmed activities about the human body and basic sciences applied to everyday things; in addition, they will play to be scientists or doctors. In some museums, they can see natural wonders from around the world, as well as be photographed with skeletons of large whales and dinosaurs.

Sport activities

You can build a team with other children and family members to go to a soccer, tennis or baseball field and play sports. This is an inexpensive option if you don’t have a big budget. Tickets for a game or car or motorcycling races may also  be included;  kids are sure to love it.

Physical education combines games with sports practice.

Theme parks

They come in various sizes, activities, and mechanical attractions. Generally, they are fixed in a city; If you live nearby, don’t miss the opportunity to spend a different weekend with the children. Some very large ones, such as Disneyland, offer costumes and plays to guarantee fun.

Finally, other fixed alternatives in each region are children’s plays and cinema. The truth is that, for these plans to be successful, you must think like children; so you will know what they like. Keep in mind that they are more interested in sharing good times with their family and friends than in luxuries.

5 vacation plans with children

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