6 Tips For A Family Dinner In Harmony

Children gain great benefits from being raised in a close family, where there is affection and respect. Dinner is a great time to take an interest in one another and to bond with loved ones.
6 tips for a family dinner in harmony

If you want your children to have better school performance, a better mood and healthy habits, eat them! Something as simple as a family dinner in harmony is the best strategy to keep parents and children together. Living together strengthens emotional ties and brings many individual benefits.

Family sharing nourishes and restores the soul and spirit. In addition, children who grow up in a close family environment and build strong social relationships. With the following recommendations you will have tools to avoid uncomfortable silences during dinner.

How to have a family dinner in harmony?

1.- Create a family dinner plan

So that you involve your partner and children in family dynamics, plan the dinners that you will prepare that week. You will save a lot of time because you will not have to think about what to cook daily.

Within that plan include quick recipes that do not force you to lock yourself in the kitchen for a long time. Simplifying is the key to success.

2.- Make the moment of cleaning an opportunity to share with the family

When you all finish dinner, take advantage of the moment and assign tasks for each one. This way you will keep your house in order, you will share a little more time together and responsibilities will be established.

A harmonious family dinner builds strong family ties.

3.- Share the best of your day

The moment of dinner with loved ones should be used to express the good things that happen. Ask each person what situations or experiences have made them happy during the day and share yours as well.

4.- Talk about the things that worry you

As in the previous point, communicating what you feel helps to find answers and support. The family group should be the place where everyone finds empathy, advice, and support.

Communicating the negative things that happened on the day will help you see them more clearly and gain a different perspective.

5.- Establish a spiritual connection

It is not about involving any belief. Dinner is an occasion to be grateful for what you have and to appreciate the opportunity to have loved ones.

6.- Create a reading space

You can choose as a family a book or a story to read together. You can also create a reading club: each one chooses something to read and then you share it over dinner. With this activity you can stimulate the habit of reading and draw morals for life.

Family dinner is a time for communication and dialogue.

10 fundamental premises for a family dinner in harmony

  • Establish a regular time to start and end family dinners.
  • Turn off the television, computer and mobile phone while you eat. All people in the family deserve respect and attention.
  • Make it a happy time. Be interested in knowing how each one of them has had their day.
  • Explain the nutritional value of the foods you chose. In a subtle way you will be cultivating the good habit of adequate nutrition.
  • Make sure the family is together at least once a day at mealtime. You can exchange dinner at home for a picnic or go to a restaurant.
  • Try to make preparing dinner a family time as well. Agree with your children and your partner what to eat and how to prepare it. Children feel important when they intervene in family decisions.
  • Allocate a space in the house for the consumption of food. In this way, the routine will be better planned.
  • Plan a little game or communication activity for after dinner. Thus, in a fun way you will have the opportunity to find out what is happening to them.
  • Take advantage of dinner time to teach your children the importance of good manners.
  • Write on a calendar the special dates and activities that allow you to share an additional moment as a family.

Give value to moments of family bonding and take advantage of them to build healthier habits. By sharing a family dinner in harmony whenever you can, you will significantly transform your relationship with the people you love.

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