7 Recommendations For Your Child To Be Affectionate

7 recommendations for your child to be affectionate

Have you ever been told phrases like “Oh, I hope your children will be loving when they grow up!” or “You have to make sure that your child is affectionate so that he does not suffer.” If this is the case, do not worry, with our recommendations you will achieve this objective without much difficulty.

The main thing, for their own good, is that children be loving so that they do not deprive themselves of the affection they may receive from those around them. 

Certainly, there are children who are more affectionate than others; and it is that each child is in itself a different world. That is why we must be careful with generalizations when addressing them. Let us remember that each little one has their own demands and needs.

If your child is not as affectionate as others, don’t worry. It is not that there are better or worse children, some just need more time than others to become affectionate or simply show affection spontaneously in public. In this sense we must be wise and patient, and “give time to time”.

On a personal level, we must bear in mind that affection and its expression is a behavior that has considerable repercussions in many areas of his life. Would you like your child to be more affectionate with the other members of the family? Here we help you with some recommendations to get your child to be affectionate.

7 recommendations for your child to be affectionate

1. Spend as much time together as possible.

If you want a loving child, base your relationship with him on love. The child learns to relate the way he is treated, this means that if your child feels loved he will be more receptive to everything you want to teach him.

Many parents plan an activity that interests both of them before bed, such as the simple and famous task of reading a book before bed. Another option is to dedicate Saturdays so that both of you enjoy sharing quality time doing various tasks.

It is essential to set an example for your child to be affectionate.

2. Parents should always be a good example.

A large part of what children learn is accomplished by observing the attitudes of their parents. For this reason, it is very important that you take into account your attitudes (and those of your partner) in any situation and especially in a conflict situation.

A good way to set an example for our children to be more loving is to try to contribute in some way to our community. By providing help to those who need it, the child will perceive the importance of knowing how to relate to others, being supportive and cooperating to maintain a pleasant environment.

3. Always teach him honestly and humbly.

Avoid flaring up with negative emotions when your child makes a mistake. By scolding him, you will do no more than scare him and put a negative mark on him. Instead, try to talk to him, ask him what happened, and if it affected someone, make sure he learns the good way to apologize.

Explain and show him how he can avoid such a mistake in the future. S é always honest and give an example of humility. As we said before, nobody is perfect, but we are capable of improving if we support and build each other in a positive way.

4. Do simple activities, rehearse with small exercises.

Clearing your mind is very important to be calm in a time of stress, doing a sport that you like or simply taking walks will help you to be more attentive to the care your child needs.

5. Teach him that caring for others is a priority.

It is important that the child learns the importance of caring for others and fulfills his commitments with others, he must do the right thing, even if it is a bit difficult for him and respect others even if they do not behave appropriately.

Apart from asking the teachers about your child’s grades, you can also find out how he develops socially and what kind of behavior he has with his peers.

6. Provide an opportunity for your child to be loving.

Children always need to express their gratitude and affection towards others, so they will gradually become useful, generous, compassionate people and also, they are more likely to be happy and healthy.

They do not need to be forced.  You can get your child to be affectionate with patience and naturalness.

If you can, help him a little to fulfill his responsibilities. If the child learns the importance of doing his routine activities, in the future you will not have problems when you ask him to carry out a new task.

Talking with your children is very important. Get close to them and address everyday topics that develop their values ​​and stimulate their social skills with some frequency. For example, you can talk to them about justice and injustice. Don’t forget to give them space to express their opinions and ideas about it.

It is also very important that you know how to teach them to express their appreciation even in the most everyday situations. Encourage him to say “please” and “thank you” sincerely, or to have nice gestures like a good hug of appreciation whenever necessary.

7. Encourage him to be an agent of change.

Children will always be interested in solving their matters of interest, therefore, it is important that they learn to take roles and to function properly if a problem or difficulty occurs. Remember that you can help them solve their own dilemmas and strengthen their decision-making capacity.

If you notice that your child is interested in a cause, help him to join that group and motivate him to promote solutions or support initiatives. Encourage your child not only to help others but to work with others. This will make your child more loving over time.

By following these recommendations, you will notice an improvement in the child. Little by little, between one thing and another, you will get your child to be affectionate, express himself and open up to others with ease. It is not about changing their essence, but about giving them the opportunity to express themselves with affection in order to lead a happier life.

As we have seen, getting a child to be affectionate does not have to be a task that confronts them or that disturbs the peace of any of them. On the contrary, it is an exercise in empathy and a valuable opportunity for personal growth, as well as a learning experience and self-knowledge.

Showing affection to your child does not mean being permissive

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