7 Tips For Long-distance Parenting

7 tips for long-distance parenting

On many occasions, the absence of father is interpreted by the smallest of the house as a rejection, therefore, you have to know how to carry out parenthood at a distance.

When daddy is not at home every day, either for work reasons or for personal inconveniences with mom, the child may feel abandoned . Faced with these situations, generally, they fail to understand that they are not to blame for this reality or that it is not a voluntary matter.

Consequently, your child may begin to lock himself into a world of his own and move away from the environment that surrounds him. ; Of course, this will affect his development with his friends, at school and with the rest of the family members who maintain contact with him. In this sense, it is essential that activities are carried out that reaffirm the presence of dad.

Despite the distance, your baby must learn to respect you as a parent

In this way, the distances between the baby and that father figure that is so important in development are shortened. And it is not about buying thousands of gifts to help you fill that void, or to please them in everything they want. , but to try to play a decisive role in their daily lives, even though they are not always together.

In other words, The challenge goes beyond making him understand that you are still there for him, because you must promote the respect you deserve, obedience  and love above all things . Perhaps imagining this scenario makes you nervous, so we want to give you some advice so that you can paternity  efficient remote.

Long Distance Parenting: Helpful Tips for Success

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Surely you feel sad that you do not have the opportunity to share with your little one as much as you want. However, We want to give you the strength to continue with this series of tips that will change your mind and help you tackle this challenge with a different attitude. :

Make him feel your presence every day, especially in the most important moments :

This includes sad situations, achievements, crises, joys and events in which every child would like to share with dad, such as graduations, birthday parties, tournaments, festivals, among others. If you will not be able to attend, tell them the truth and explain your reasons.

Do not make promises that later you will not keep :

Avoid creating illusions that later break her heart. Be explicit and listen to their needs lovingly.

Find out what interests you :

It does not matter if it is something temporary, he lives with the same passion those things that catch his attention. Get involved and give him the space to talk to you about it.

Do not manipulate it :

Some parents want to make up for their mistakes with toys or treats. The bad news is that they are not setting a good example for life and they will believe that it is the best way to solve problems.

Keep communication :

Technology has become the best ally for these distant parents. Fortunately, the new generations have these communication windows to be close to those loved ones who for some reason are not there.

Present yourself with pride :

He knows his teachers, his class friends, his girlfriend and anyone else who influences everyday life.

Set clear boundaries :

As we mentioned before, teach him to respect you despite the distance. You will always be his father and, therefore, you have to guide him firmly. You’ll see that in the adolescence  this will be of great help.

Long-distance parenting is assumed with strength and security . The love that you harvest in your child’s heart will be the same that will flourish over the years. The only guarantee that you will be able to establish a strong bond with your little one is in your hands: perseverance.

How does long distance parenting affect children?

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According to the experts, everything will depend on the maturity of mom and dad to assume this situation . Likewise, the ability to create strong ties and effective channels of communication will have a great impact on the child.

Mom and dad must assume this reality with maturity so as not to affect the child

An absent father who is not interested in breaking the gaps that separate them could favor the appearance of a feeling of loneliness and helplessness . Therefore, it is never too late to show that little angel how much you love him and that without him, your life would not be the same.

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