8 Places In Seville Ideal To Go With Children

In these places in Seville ideal to go with the children that we present below you can learn, play, run and have fun; All the same day!
8 places in Seville ideal to go with children

The capital of Seville is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain to travel with the family, learn, have fun and do new things. If you live there or are thinking of taking a vacation getaway, here we share with you which are the ideal places in Seville to go with children and enjoy a full day with the whole family.

8 places in Seville ideal to go with children

María Luisa Park, in Seville.

1. Visit the Seville Aquarium

Located in the Muelle de las Delicias, this place has hundreds of marine species for children to know and be amazed. The aquarium is organized around the route of the first trip around the world made between 1519 and 1522 by Magellan and Elcano.

In addition, the aquarium offers activities that children will love, such as the “Dinner between seas”, a “Night with Sharks” or a different birthday celebration.

2. Places to learn about science

The space of the House of Science is managed by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and here are activities related to informative and educational sciences, workshops, exhibitions, etc.

For children who love astronomy, the planetarium is a must, from where they can see the stars, the sky of Seville and much more. On their website you can see the schedule of activities, where they publish the calendar of all their events.

The Caixa Forum Sevilla is a space for culture where children can also learn science. An approach to STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ) education in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Here they can enjoy exhibitions, concerts, movies, art and science workshops.

3. Isla Mágica, one of the ideal places in Seville to go with children

A theme and water park for great fun. This place awaits us on the Isla de la Cartuja, in the heart of the city of Seville. The amusement park is set in the time of the discoveries and has six worlds to explore: Amazonia, Puerta de América, Puerto de Indias, El Dorado, La Guarida de los Piratas and the Fountain of Youth. In all of them there are games, trails, restaurants and shops.

In the same place there is also the Agua Mágica park, with giant wave pools and fun water games.

4. Interesting museums for children

In the beautiful Parque de María Luisa you will find the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs. Both rides will take the children on a very interesting journey into the past. Another option is the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville, which offers activities for children and guided tours for the whole family.

5. Outdoor walks

The outdoor parks are part of the ideal places in Seville to go with children. There the little ones have a place to jump, run and play freely.

In Parque del Alamillo you will find a 120-hectare green space that has been carefully and planned to enjoy; there are playgrounds, restaurants, lakes for kayaking and rowing. But the most interesting thing about this place is the contact with nature, the possibility of observing specimens of flora and fauna, different landscapes and seeing first-hand the park’s orange groves and orchards.

If you want to teach children about sustainability, urban agriculture and community actions, visit with them the Huerto del Rey Moro, a place organized by the residents of the Barrio de San Luis that has a space for children’s activities where, in addition, birthdays can be celebrated .

For adventure-loving children, the Discovery Park on Paseo Juan Carlos I is an ideal place, with its pirate ship, water games and lots of entertainment for the little ones.

6. Places to eat tasty things and recharge energy

With children’s restaurants with healthy menus in the EduCastle Terrace you can let the children play in an outdoor park, while you watch them through the screens. Isn’t it cool? Another place with similar characteristics with an incredible playground is the Mamafante and Papaposa cafeteria , where they serve exquisite cakes and fruit juices, ideal for an unforgettable snack or breakfast.

7. A tour of archaeological sites

The Seville area has several places to see the vestiges of past cultures that inhabited the region. The Roman city of Italica, in Santiponce, and the archaeological site of Carmona can be visited as a family to learn a little more about the origin of our civilization and culture.

Italica, one of the ideal places in Seville to go with children.

8. Listen to music and dance

The monthly Electronic Lunch event organized by the Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art is a hit with teenagers. The recitals take place in the afternoon (from 1 pm) and are a great way to share a day with all music with the family.

Discover more places in Seville ideal to go with children

The Andalusian capital has countless places to visit with the little ones in the house. In any season of the year and whatever the tastes of your children, you will always find where to take them to have fun.

Write down the places that we recommend and, if you have time to spare, find more places in Seville to go with children with the information on the “Anti-boredom Plan in Seville” from the Andalusian cultural agenda.

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