9 Diseases Present In Children Under One Year Of Age

Are you worried about the diseases present in children under one year of age? Discover the most common and how to treat them; In these cases, information is the key.
9 diseases present in children under one year of age

Know what are the diseases present in children under one year of age. Several of them are so frequent that they require immediate attention, as they are dangerous for babies, who are in full development of their immune system.

Some diseases present in children under one year of age

Children under one year of age are prone to respiratory and digestive tract diseases. These are generally caused by viruses or bacteria. The most frequent are:

1. Flu or common cold

It is caused by the influenza virus and  is easily spread, although in many cases it goes away on its own. The symptoms are: fever over 38º, cough, nasal congestion, headache, general malaise, muscle pain and, in some cases, vomiting.

The flu, one of the most common illnesses in children under one year of age, requires medical attention.

2. Bronchitis

It is an inflammation of the bronchi caused by poorly cured flu, in most cases. It presents abundant mucus, cough and expectoration.

You must bear in mind that bronchitis is contagious orally; that is, by having contact with the affected person.

On the other hand, there is also acute bronchitis, generated by a respiratory infection caused by viruses and bacteria at the same time. It affects the nose, throat, and sinuses.

Lastly, some children may suffer from chronic bronchitis. The symptoms of this condition are excessive coughing and profuse expectoration.

3. Pneumonia

It is a disease of infectious origin that causes inflammation of a segment of the lungs. In children younger than six months, it is caused by the pneumococcal bacteria.

Symptoms of this condition are high fever, cough with profuse mucus, chills, pain, and shortness of breath. It requires rigorous treatment and hospitalization.

Diseases present in children under one year of age can be treated without complications in most cases.

4. Tonsillitis

The main cause of this disease is the streptococcus bacteria, although it also occurs by viruses.  It causes inflammation of the tonsils, sore throat, headache, fever and difficulty eating. It is very common in babies, when they begin to put objects in their mouth.

5. Urine infections

There may be a urine infection when a child under two years old has a fever without a clear source. It is discarded with a urine test strip; If the result is affirmative, a urine culture is performed before to comply with the appropriate treatment. In some cases, they require hospital admission.

6. Diarrhea

It is one of the diseases present in children under one year of age due to a virus or contaminated food.  The patient presents very frequent liquid stools with abdominal pain.

For this reason, it is necessary to keep the baby with oral hydration, plenty of fluids and continue breastfeeding or normal feeding. If symptoms persist, see a doctor.

7. Gastroenteritis

It is an inflammation of the digestive and intestinal tract. It is usually caused by consuming contaminated food or water. It is characterized by watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, intestinal pain, fever, and extreme weakness.

If your child has these symptoms for 48 hours, you should give him medical attention. However, at home you must be extremely careful with constant oral hydration to avoid dehydration.

Also, you should stick with his feeding routine if you breastfeed him.  If you already eat food, instead, you can supplement with an astringent diet for babies.

8. Otitis

It is the inflammation of the ears caused by bacterial or viral infections. It is also common in babies who have had the flu or respiratory infections. It manifests with very strong, sharp or stabbing pains, fever and diarrhea in young children.

9. Bronchiolitis

It is produced by respiratory syncytial virus. It causes infection in the bronchioles, which become inflamed, clogged and, as a consequence, prevent the passage of air.

It is a high-risk, contagious condition common among newborns. You should go immediately to the pediatrician at the slightest symptom. Some of these symptoms are: fever, excessive cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and wheezing.

The parent-pediatrician relationship is essential in treating babies with epilepsy.

How to Minimize the Risk of Illness in Children 

If you have a baby less than a year old, you should avoid contact with people infected by viruses or bacteria. During the first month of birth, you must also limit visits.

On the other hand, maintaining good home and personal hygiene is essential. Try to follow the recommended vaccination schedule for children.

Illnesses present in children under one year of age can be overcome by treating them appropriately and promptly. However, you should do everything you can to prevent them from appearing.

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