9 Key Moments When Your Baby Needs Security

9 key moments when your baby needs security

Love and protection are not your child’s only needs. Well, to this demand is added another that should not ignore any parent since, in addition, your baby needs security. However, there are a number of key moments where the latter is most lacking.

As we well know, newborns come into this world with a still immature neurological system. It tends to develop gradually during childhood. This is how every little one not only presents basic demands, but also emotional ones.

Such vital needs for their growth are very evident during the first months of your child’s life. However, there are certain situations in which your baby needs safety and protection. Only in this way will you achieve a full and healthy evolution.


The first key moment: Arrival into the world

The world appears completely unknown to those little beings that lived 9 months in the womb. Likewise,  these defenseless little ones require the help of their parents to complete their maturation.

In this way, the first key period in which your baby needs security extends from the first hours of life to nine months. This phase is known as exterogestation and finds the baby as delicate as it is vulnerable.

In this way, parents must keep the minor’s basic needs covered. At the same time, the child must feel protected by the maternal warmth. Without a doubt, they are key factors for the baby to be able to adapt adequately to life outside the womb of its mother.

Cuddling, holding, and cuddling will help your child experience emotional security. Making eye contact is another must-have condiment. This can be implemented while feeding or at play or sleep time.

It is forbidden to downplay breastfeeding at this stage. It provides proximity and strengthens the mother-child bond. Also, breast milk has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden death in infants.


Key stages where your baby needs security

After those initial nine months of life and throughout his childhood, it is essential to satisfy his emotional needs. Safety and protection will allow the baby to manage solid emotional ties with his environment.

In addition, in the successive stages you will begin to form your personality and nurture your self-esteem. Consequently, it becomes essential to offer unconditional support and accompany the child physically and emotionally.

Of course, this is the key to times of change caused by your own development or by other factors that are alien to you. Anyway, we are talking about sensitive situations that require a high dose of empathy, assertiveness and understanding.

Your baby needs wholesale security when …

  • The mother must return to work. Without a doubt, the incorporation of the mother to work after maternity leave is a difficult time. The baby must detach himself from that person who has become his world. Therefore, it is imperative to provide the appropriate security, since this detachment often scares the little one.
  • Complementary feeding started. This event takes place at approximately 6 months of life. Changing or interspersing breast milk with formula milk and even with the first baby foods and purees means a big change for the little one. A new world is coming. The time to experiment both from taste and touch also requires a high dose of safety and protection for the child.
  • The crawling stage has arrived. This is another crucial moment. Swapping mom’s arms across the floor becomes a childish challenge. Obtaining the necessary strength in your legs and arms to achieve displacement requires Mom’s encouragement, as well as security and, of course, protection.
  • When it comes to playing. Playfulness is essential for the development of the baby. In this way, the child learns and explores. However, there are toys that are not suitable for certain ages and others that involve specific use or supervision by an older person. Whatever it may be, the demand we are talking about is also present here for the child to feel safe and motivated.
  • Before the first steps. Your baby needs confidence to take his first steps slowly and short but firm. This is perhaps one of the greatest achievements that implies greater insecurity and fear in children. For this reason, the accompaniment of the major becomes imperative in this great jump.
  • Diaper abandonment. Another of the times when your child is likely to experience fear, anxiety and insecurity. Therefore, rather than pressuring him, it is very important to let him know that he can do it and help him through this difficult transition.
  • Home of the garden. Nothing harder than the first stage of school. There the child must learn to unfold to interact with peers and adults. Not being the only pampered one and learning to share, wait and obey new rules and regulations are a real struggle. A battle as strong as separating from the mother to see another possible world outside the home.
  • Interest in a certain hobby begins or an extracurricular activity begins. Confidence, motivation and security will be the pillars for your success. You are not his coach and you cannot live your dreams through your son. So forget unnecessary pressure and just encourage your child. It highlights their successes and achievements, always highlighting their virtues and abilities.

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