Food And Children: Successes And Mistakes

It is possible to introduce some sweet in our son’s diet. However, this type of food should not be present on a regular basis in your diet.
Food and children: successes and mistakes

A good diet is essential when it comes to guaranteeing health in the medium and long term. For this, it is important to instill good habits in our children to avoid rejection of different food groups in adulthood.

Sometimes it can be difficult when feeding our children to make them accept the healthiest products. But the truth is, it is critical to introduce good habits early in life. 

Whether or not to indulge them in their diet?

Sometimes the question arises as to whether it is positive to indulge them in their diet. If this is done exceptionally, and you don’t feel like a rule, there is nothing wrong with offering them a treat from time to time.

Foods rich in simple sugars can increase the risk of disease, according to an article published in the journal “Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.” However, administered spacedly, they do not pose a health problem. As long as 95% of the diet is made up of fresh and healthy food.


However, sweet foods should not be associated with a treat. This relationship can be misleading and precedent. The processed product must be awarded as a whim, not as a prize, and it is to be understood that this is an exceptional situation. 

The importance of feeding children

A good education when it comes to nutrition is one of the best methods of disease prevention. Eating fresh food, fish, and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of premature death. This is indicated by an article published in the “International Journal of Epidemiology”.


Accepting food is a simpler process in the early stages of life. In this way, we will get children to get used to the different flavors and textures if we introduce a variety of products into their diet.

Faced with a rejection, the best solution is not to resort to the obligation, but to try a different method of preparation and presentation. In this way, our child will gradually get used to the organoleptic characteristics of the food in question.

In the event that, after several attempts, we still cannot get the child to consume a certain food, we will have to look for the causes of this rejection. It may happen that the taste or texture is not to your liking, or that its intake causes you a certain discomfort. In this type of situation, the most appropriate thing is to go to the doctor to check if there is a basic intolerance or allergy.

Introduce varied foods and preparations

During infancy, it is important to introduce the child to as many foods as possible. In this way you will gradually become familiar with them and their flavor. Furthermore, we should not always resort to the same method of preparation. Combining culinary techniques greatly enriches the diet, although it is not always possible for a matter of time.

A solution to this last problem can be to make a forecast of the weekly menu on Sundays. In this way you can make certain preparations that hold up well in the refrigerator or freezer. This is the case, for example, of vegetable creams.

Having a remnant of food that is almost ready for consumption greatly speeds up the feeding processes. In this way we will save time and we will be able to offer our child a much more varied and healthy diet. Remember that preserved foods do not lose their properties.

Varied diet for better health

When it comes to ensuring the health of our children, it is essential to offer them a varied and balanced diet. This is not to say that you cannot give them a processed food once in a while, but it should be occasionally, that it does not create a trend.

Nor is it advisable to use the reward-punishment binomial when it comes to food. It is best to arm yourself with patience and respect, as far as possible, the child’s tastes.

Faced with a rejection of a specific food, you must wait a few days to offer the same product under a different preparation method. In this way it will be more likely that we will be able to introduce it into your diet and that we will generate a tolerance to it.

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