Constancy As A Value To Educate Our Children

Consistency is an important quality that people must possess in order to achieve goals in all areas of life. Thus, constancy is a value that must be taught to our children from an early age.
Constancy as a value to educate our children

In general, people are more likely to start something and leave it along the way, be it a study or a hobby , to exercise physically or eat better. Hence, perseverance as a value to educate our children is fundamental, since no project or activity can come to fruition without a base of effort and perseverance.

What does it mean to be constant and to be a constant person?

The constancy refers to the unbreakable and continuous will in the determination to do something or in the way to do it. Constancy is synonymous with perseverance, will, tenacity and firmness.

Some people have the value of perseverance, that is, they are persevering and determined before a purpose, objective or decision. So, a person is constant when he is methodical, patient, responsible, disciplined and works hard to achieve his goals. Solving problems and difficulties that may arise along the way.

Learning to be a constant person is important to face life situations, both in our intimate and everyday environments, as well as other formal and professional ones. And being constant in everything that is undertaken is essential to avoid the frustrations resulting from not being able to achieve something easily.

Consistency is an essential value to achieve all our objectives.

Constancy as a value to educate our children

To educate our children in perseverance, it is necessary to bear in mind that we must succeed in creating the habit in them. And the habit to achieve consistency is repetition, it is doing something over and over again, even in a thousand different ways, until you get it.

In this way, children must learn as something natural that nothing is achieved the first time and that everything requires effort, creativity, and desire,  and that problems and difficulties are part of the way. Thus, to the extent that they internalize that the rewards are directly proportional to their effort, we can get children to learn to be constant.

In addition, as stated by the psychiatrist and professor Enrique Rojas in his book 5 tips to enhance intelligence , perseverance is necessary to develop auxiliary intelligence. Along with order, will, motivation, and the ability to observe and take note, constancy is an instrument of reason. The author maintains that auxiliary intelligence allows, among other things, to maintain fluid relationships with those around us, and to experience a healthy affective life.

How to educate our children in the value of perseverance

Sometimes it is not easy to find the most appropriate ways to educate the little ones in the value of perseverance. Although we know that the starting point is to convey to them that they must strive to achieve things, we must also take into account the following:

  • Both parents and educators must give them freedom and allow children to make mistakes. Adults must be patient and not do things for them.
  • Adults must sometimes restrain themselves from the need to resolve and provide support when children become infatuated with failure to do something. It is important that they have a moment of suffering and frustration. Thus, when they calm down, we can make them understand that those ugly feelings can only be avoided by trying things again.
  • The example is essential. It is not good for parents to express or express, with gestures or words, their frustrations in the face of some task or activity that they cannot carry out. Children are better off watching their parents do something patiently and calmly, and then they are happy that they did it.
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  • Get children to learn to be constant by getting used to things that must be won, to feeling that no one deserves anything like that, without more. In this way, they too will feel that by being consistent they will get rewards. Gratuities that are not only about gifts or flattery, but, mainly, the gratification of deserving what has been achieved, which is no less.

    Constancy, a key value for the personal development of our children

    In short, developing the habit of perseverance forces us to challenge the routine and fatigue present in every moment of our days. With which, it serves as an engine to achieve, on the one hand, what is part of the daily obligations (domestic, work, bureaucratic) and, on the other hand, everything related to more personal projects (studies, hobbies , hobbies ).

    Therefore, considering perseverance as a value to educate our children implies helping them develop the habit from an early age, which is essential for their personal development. Which will allow them to face with determination and will, in a mature and conscious way, the different challenges that are presented to them in their future life.

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