It Seems That Pregnant Women Can Have Some Coffee

It seems that pregnant women can have some coffee

“Pregnant women cannot drink coffee because caffeine causes abortions in the first weeks of pregnancy.”

“Pregnant women cannot drink coffee because caffeine causes miscarriages.”

“We pregnant women cannot drink coffee because caffeine makes the fetus have a low birth weight.”

As any of these three criteria can be yours, at  Eres Mamá we have the responsibility, at least we believe so, to inform you of a study that was carried out in the United States in 2015 regarding the consumption of caffeine during pregnancy. .

It is essential to warn you that with this we do not intend to make you change your mind, nor do we seek to destroy all the other studies that have been practiced throughout the world over the years.

In this post we limit ourselves to providing you with new information that has just come to light and we believe that you should know.

It is in your hands whether you take it or discard it. As simple as that.

Coffee in pregnancy does not produce changes

The American University of Obstetricians and Gynecologists based in Washington last 2015 released a study regarding moderate caffeine consumption during pregnancy.

This research was based on showing that caffeine is not responsible for abortions and preterm pregnancies in women who consume the chemical, as was previously thought and is still considered by many.

We must clarify that in said research, as well as other experts in the field, it is recommended that pregnant women who take caffeine, either through coffee or any other drink or edible, reduce the consumption of this stimulant during their gestation period unless 200 milligrams per day.

However, this study, based in turn on other investigations carried out on various pregnant women, revealed that it cannot be asserted that caffeine consumption should be reduced because it causes abortions, preterm births or delays the growth of the fetus until its weight is below from where it should be according to your gestational age.

Drinks and foods that contain or may contain caffeine

Mom, you should know that caffeine is a chemical compound that acts as a stimulant of the central nervous system and is found in many drinks and foods that you consume daily.

Below we offer you a small list of the edibles that contain it or that may contain it according to its preparation, so that you can decide whether or not to ingest them during your pregnancy.

These foods and drinks are:
• Coffee
• Green tea and black tea
• Cola nut derivatives such as cola
• Dark chocolate
• Chocolate or coffee ice cream

Yes to coffee in pregnancy according to studies


Now that you are pregnant, you should take more into account the damages that high doses of coffee have for your health and well-being.

Keep in mind that, by being more active, coffee undermines your sleep and rest period.

If you suffer from heartburn, the action of coffee on your stomach exacerbates this condition. Caffeine is proven to irritate the stomach lining and make gastritis worse.

Likewise, the high consumption of coffee goes against the functioning of the kidneys and it is well known that the kidneys are one of the organs that cause the most problems during this sensitive period.

Halitosis is another fairly common disorder during pregnancy, and coffee makes it worse.

To conclude this text, we want to remind you that the experts suggest, if you like to drink a little coffee in the mornings and afternoons, reduce your consumption to 200 milligrams a day.

But contrary to what was previously thought, caffeine is not a factor that will cause abortion, the birth of your baby before the indicated date, or its low weight every time it is born.

At least that is what, we emphasize, the study carried out in 2015 by the American University of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of the United States of America.

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