To Those Little Superheroes Who Fight Against Childhood Cancer

A few words of encouragement for the millions of families who experience this painful diagnosis are always necessary. Regardless of how tough it may be, always stay optimistic!
To those little superheroes who fight childhood cancer

There are little superheroes who have resistance as a cloak, for their strength and who fight every day against childhood cancer. Brave and strong children who together with their family lead the battle against this disease.

The superheroes I am talking about are small in stature but big in heart and they are full of courage and hope. Today February 15, International Day of Childhood Cancer  our tribute goes to them in the form of words.

Brave children with looks of courage

I know some of those little superheroes, they are brave children fighting the battle against childhood cancer, supported by their families and friends. Children who one day encountered this terrible disease that arrived without warning and before which they had to build a shield of strength and courage.

Golden Ribbon Childhood Cancer

These little superheroes fight to dawn each day with a smile despite the storms. When you look at them, you can see in their eyes how the color of hope is worth more than their fears, although on some occasions their fears also appear on the scene.

It is in those moments that his parents, his family and his friends take the brush to paint his gray sky in another color, where the storm does not appear. All together they fight.

But there are times when gray is indelible and little superheroes have to learn to live with this color. A color that finally dyes them golden so that they look like the bright stars in the sky that cover us day by day, being guides of those other superheroes who have been fighting.

Fighting kids with support cloaks

The smiles of the little superheroes are drawn to remind us that their struggle is constant and persistent, but also to indicate that with our support difficulties are covered with protective and necessary cloaks of affection. 

It is the mantles of love sewn with threads of hugs and unconditional support that act as supports for their struggle and strength. Thus, if at some point their resilience falters, the child can draw on everything that their family, friends, professionals and organizations can provide.


These little superheroes are the main characters in their stories; however, we must not forget what can contribute to them in some way. A kiss, a word of support, a smile, a hug, the advancement of treatments or investment in new research.

Everything is necessary, from the smallest gesture to the greatest of details and resources. Because superheroes also need other people to advance in the fight.

Our mission: accompany them, love them and give them strength to remind them that on many occasions they are stronger than they think they are. Because being superheroes is not easy, but their struggle is so great that they cannot go unnoticed. Its greatness is remarkable, since it requires great courage and many doses of courage. They are brave children, resilient children.

We are one

This year many children of the world have wanted to raise their voices as an act of support to all the superheroes who are fighting the battle against childhood cancer thanks to the initiative of the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer (ICC) with the creation of an elaborate song by Christophe Beck, composer of Frozen, called “We are one” and translated into Spanish as “We are one”. 

His chorus goes like this:

The song “We are one” is a symbol of support from which feelings of love and words of strength are transmitted. A beautiful gesture that makes us realize that the fight does not belong to one but to all, because our mantle nurtures the little superheroes with affection, gives them strength and new opportunities, thus contributing to waging a battle that belongs to all.

To you, to all those little superheroes who wake up making a fight every day and having your smiles as a shield, despite the fact that a gray cloud is present in your routine.

To you, little superheroes who give us so many life lessons and help us to recover the essence of the value of life, for you today are our words full of love, support and strength.

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