Tips To Help Children Adjust To Kindergarten

Tips to help children adjust to kindergarten

One of the things that concern us most when our child grows up is the process of adaptation to nursery school. When we make this difficult decision, many mothers worry about whether he will be able to feel comfortable, what things he will learn there and, because of our protective instincts, how they will treat him.

There is no magic recipe for children to like going to kindergarten, we must be aware that they did not ask for it and that it is probably not easy for them to get used to it quickly. Although this secret formula does not exist, if you can inform yourself and know some tips that will help your child to adapt much better and faster.

Tips to help your child adjust to kindergarten

Anticipate what is going to happen

If we explain to our son what is going to happen, he will begin to understand the process much earlier. You can stage the life of the nursery and what usually happens there through its dolls. You can also do it through a representation, the child acting as himself and mother acting as the educator. The more we do these activities with him, the faster he will feel comfortable in the nursery and it will become an everyday thing.

You must give it time

Two things can happen in the process of adjusting to daycare. In the first place, that the educator is too strict and does not allow a flexible period for the child’s adaptation process or, secondly, that the parents, due to their occupations and lack of time, cannot provide that time either. The child, in general, will not adapt in a few hours or days to an environment totally new to him ; Therefore, we must try to give him that time to meet his new caregiver, his new friends and feel safe in the new place.

Adaptation to nursery school varies from one child to another and from the education they receive at home.

Always say goodbye

Many children feel totally abandoned in nursery school. If we leave the child in the nursery and suddenly we disappear, this will be the first thing they feel, that is why it is very important to say goodbye to them with a message that gives them the assurance that you will return later. He will probably cry at first, but then he will feel calm because he will know that he will see you again soon. Always say goodbye.

Be understanding

We must be the most understanding and empathetic to the situation. It is vital to put ourselves in his place and understand what he is feeling, the radical change that he is going through. If he asks us for more affection when we are at home, we must give it to him, most likely he needs to feel that we continue to love him. Remember that it is very important to support him in this process, he will need you to adapt.

Establish trust with the educator

It is important for the child to see that we have a good relationship with the educator and that she can be a person in whom he can also trust. It’s good that she sees us talking amicably with her and for her to realize that she is not a stranger. All this will make the child feel calmer and, therefore, also we as parents, knowing a little more about the person who is in charge of taking care of our child.

Maintain our joy and positivity

Although it is also a complicated process for you, you should be happy and positive about incorporating your child into the nursery. If he notices that you are more worried than usual or suspicious of the situation, he could feel uncomfortable or insecure as well.

Taking our children to daycare can be a big change for them.

Object of attachment

A good way to help him adjust to kindergarten is to bring his favorite toy with him, so that he feels like he is holding something that connects him to home. These types of objects bring confidence and security to your transition process, which will help you feel comfortable where you are.

Symptoms of a poor adaptation to kindergarten

Your child may not adjust well to daycare, so you should be very attentive to the signals and try to support him so that he feels more comfortable. To do this, you must study their behavior, which will be the one that tells us if this is happening. Some of the symptoms of a poor adaptation to daycare are:

  • He is too dependent on you. If he is experiencing a maladjustment, it may be that when he leaves nursery he clings to you much more. If this happens for a long time, you should try to correct and lessen that reaction.
  • He is sad all day. Her educator informs you that she is crying all day, she does not play and when you arrive she wants to be alone in your arms.
  • You have sleep disturbances for the first few weeks. You may find it difficult to fall asleep all this time. This may mean that you are not assimilating the experiences of the day.
  • It can manifest mood swings. You may notice this because he experiences character changes and sometimes does not want to obey.
  • It may present setbacks in its development. You may start to ask for a new bottle, start eating poorly, or revert to baby habits.

The most important thing about the child’s adaptation to this new environment is that, as parents, we must understand, guide and support him in the process. It will not be easy for him or for you, but it may be a decision that you must make for work or personal reasons. In addition, it may be your child’s first contact with outsiders. Therefore, it will be a great learning experience for you and your children.

Benefits of going to daycare

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