Morning Routines To Have A Good Day At School

Starting the day with a morning routine is a great idea to get a good day at school.
Morning routines to have a good day at school

Today we are going to remember the importance of having personalized routines for the whole family so that the day to day goes well. To have a good day at school, these routines are essential. Today we are going to focus on those morning routines, the first ones in each morning, the ones that mark how we are going to go throughout the day.

These morning routines must be planned from the beginning of the school days. October is an especially important month, as it is the time when full-time school begins (morning and afternoon). Children will spend more time in the centers and they need to start the day right and know how to start it.

An alarm clock

At the beginning of the school year we can buy our children an alarm clock. It’s a good time to start passing the responsibility of waking up and getting up on time to them.

Be careful, this does not mean that we can forget about them and we do not have to be attentive to whether they get up or not. We will probably have to go and ask them to get up again and again, as always (it is the most common).

Girl turning off the alarm clock very sleepy to have a good day at school.

Especially the first week in which they use the alarm clock, we will be very attentive to how children handle themselves. We have to wake them up even though their watch is ringing and also make sure they dress and eat breakfast correctly.

As they get used to the alarm clock ringing, to having their own schedule that they set, we can let them sleep a little more. We just need them to have time to get dressed, have breakfast, pack up their things and be ready to go.

If you go by bus you need to be prepared to get to the bus stop on time. If we take them to the center, the morning flexibility can be a little more extensive.

Table of morning routines to have a good day at school

Small children

With younger children,  creating a visual list of things to do and need each morning is a great idea. A list with points that they can point out as a game when they carry out the tasks. Pictures are important. An example:

  • Get dressed – put pictures of pants, shirt, socks, etc.
  • Breakfast – food photo.
  • Brushing our teeth – image of a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Things we will take – photo of the backpack, with the snack bag for recess.

Older children

If the children are older, they will not need pictures, but the list is still very useful for them. This list can be placed in various places in the house, from the bedroom, to the bathroom and the refrigerator. That way, they don’t have to go back to the bedroom to see what the next task is.

Mother and daughter preparing lunch to have a good day at school.

The importance of breakfast to have a good day at school

All medical and nutritional experts agree on the importance and benefits of having a good breakfast every morning. Breakfast provides energy after a long nightly period in which no nutrients have been received. Having a good breakfast will help children focus on school.

If the child does not want to eat a full breakfast one day, we will have to look for healthy alternatives that provide the necessary nutrients to start the morning. We can be, creating this breakfast, as imaginative as we want.

Creating and maintaining a good morning routine is essential to having a good day at school. Also, once we get started with it, it’s a lot of fun to follow and it becomes kind of a must for everyone. It makes life easier for us.

Routines always help. In this case, they  will allow us to know, without stopping to think, how to stay organized and how to be prepared for each day of school. Children will assimilate them without problems and will be part of their day to day in no time.

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