4 Books To Start Reading

The time to start reading for the little ones can be complicated if the books to start with are not well chosen
4 books to start reading

The time to start reading with the little ones in the house can be a complicated stage. Sometimes parents, or even teachers in the classrooms, do not know very well what books to use to make learning to read as simple and easy. Therefore, today we bring you a series of books to get started in reading that you can use with your children.

Fun books to start reading

1. The fun adventures of letters and numbers

Before starting in the world of reading, you have to know first-hand all the letters that make up the alphabet. But what if I told you that in the book The Funny Adventures of Letters you can find both?

On the one hand, the little ones will have the possibility of knowing each of the letters of the alphabet and, on the other hand, they will be able to start reading, since each letter is associated with a different story.

This book can be used with children from three years old, if you want them to know the alphabet or, on the contrary, with slightly older children, between five and six, if you want to take advantage of reading their stories.

Books to start reading.

If this type of book has caught your attention because of how complete it is, there is also another with the same characteristics, but in which the learning objective is numbers and letters. The fun adventures of the numbers  will show you nine stories for each of the numbers from 0 to 9.

2. Picto-stories , books to start reading with another methodology

Before they begin to know how to read, children already recognize images and drawings, and associate these with a word. In this way, they can begin to make sentences.

Pictograms are a very good educational resource to start learning to read, as they will be much more enjoyable than sentences in a row. In addition, they will feel more involved, being able to identify the images themselves.

Once again, the publishing house Bruño has a collection of small books, each one with a different story, with which children will have fun and at the same time they will start reading.

The advantage of these books is that,  by having the pictograms, they are even recommended for use with children from three years of age who, although they are not yet starting to read, do identify the pictures.

Little stories to use as books to start reading

3. Chiquicuentos

As we have already seen with previous books, the publishing house Bruño cares about learning to read, to make reading as simple as possible. For this reason, it also has another collection of small books with many and varied titles on the market.

These stories are characterized, first of all, by the division of their pages, since the text is on the left side and the striking illustrations are on the right.

Second, they are also characterized by the typeface they use, handwritten, which is easier for children to read. Finally, and thirdly, the care that its authors put in the texts.

Books to start reading.

4. The little sheep that came to dinner

One of the stories indicated for children who are beginning to read is this one that has as its protagonists a small sheep and a hungry wolf, which we will know through wonderful full-color illustrations.

The impossible friendship between the two protagonists will make up a funny and exciting story that will delight these young readers between six and seven years of age who are beginning to read, in addition to showing such an important value as friendship.

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