9 Things To Keep Out Of The Reach Of Children

Fearless by nature, children often put their hands where they should not. Therefore, it is important to keep certain objects out of reach.
9 things to keep out of the reach of children

In different products and elements, we have all read “keep out of the reach of children” at some time. And it is that there are things that it is better to keep them apart so that our children do not have access to them. Neglecting ourselves in this regard can have fatal consequences; here are some of them.

9 things to keep out of the reach of children

1.- Medicines

Failing in this regard can be deadly for children. Although it is true that medicines are essential when our little ones get sick, they should always be out of reach.

He thinks that maybe they take a syrup or some pills  because they have been hit while playing or because they were bitten by an insect. So you must be aware of where you leave the medicines.

2.- Toxic products

Another thing that we must keep out of the reach of children is toxic products. That is, if we have a garden and we keep some items to eliminate weeds or for plant care, or if we have other products to combat pests in the house, we must keep them away from their hands.

These products are much worse than medicines, as their deadly effects on children may not have any type of treatment.

As in the case of toxic products, extreme care must be taken with detergents and cleaning products. This includes items such as surface cleaners, silver and other metals.

The best way to keep these products out of the reach of children is to keep them locked up. Some choose to place them high, but the risk of this is that children invent. They could stack chairs or other things to try to reach them, fall and seriously injure themselves.

Take care to keep the medicines out of the reach of children.

3.- Knives and sharp objects

Knives and other sharp objects must also be kept out of the reach of children. It is very dangerous for our children to have access to them; they might want to cut a piece of paper or something and have a serious accident.

We must be careful even when we are present at home or in the same room. It is best to always keep them out of your reach.

4.- Small parts

In some stages of their childhood, children put everything they grab into their mouths. This happens during the oral phase and they use it as a method to discover sensations.

So a small piece can escape them and go straight down their throat. You don’t have to stop to explain a lot or be a genius to know what could happen; it is essential to be cautious.

5.- Plugs

This is a very important point and one that should not be overlooked. Plugs should be kept covered with covers and no loose wires should be left at home. Children could insert an object into the socket and receive an electric shock that, in the best of cases, would give them a tremendous fright.

6.- Tobacco smoke

Tobacco is extremely toxic to children. Smoke directly affects their growth and can cause serious illnesses in our little ones.

Therefore, we must keep smokers completely away from our children. If you do it yourself, it is better to go outside to do it.

7.- Glasses

It is no secret to anyone that glass breaks and cuts. But children can ignore this fact or not be aware of the care that must be taken when handling glass objects. They could easily break them and end up with a huge cut that needs stitches.

8.- Tools

Have you noticed how young children hit and throw toys? Well imagine that you leave a hammer within reach and it begins to hit the floor or hits the head … It is not a pretty image. Therefore, it is important to keep all tools out of the reach of children.

The plugs are one of the elements that must be left out of the reach of children.

9. – The phone

Would you like your child to put your mobile phone in the toilet? Well, do not leave it within reach, because that could happen in any oversight. In that sense, do not leave the bathrooms open either, or you may find him with his head stuck where you least expect.

Following these handy tips can save you tons of headaches and especially bad times. Also, of course, the care and well-being of our children is something that should always be our priority.

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