The 6 Best Foods For Children’s Brains

Omega 3 fatty acids are closely linked to proper cognitive development and function.
Top 6 Brain Foods for Kids

Food not only provides nutrients for physical growth. Did you know that certain foods have the ability to enhance your child’s brain development? In this article, we tell you all about the best brain foods for kids.

Do you have any idea what are the foods that promote development and mental activity? If you are one of those who don’t know anything about it, don’t worry; you belong to a vast majority of people.

This does not mean that there are super recipes that will turn your children into the Einsteins of the future. But they do have considerable benefits for optimal brain maturation. We have listed the best brain foods for kids below.

6 great foods for children’s brains

Memory, concentration and learning can be helped by the nutrients that certain foods provide. These are not only prevalent in childhood, but even before birth they have this effect. A correct feeding of the pregnant woman can enhance the cognitive development of the baby in her womb.

These are the most beneficial foods for the brain functions of infants:

1.- Blue fish

It is named for the bluish tone it acquires due to the low temperatures of the waters that these fish inhabit. In this category we find the following species: sardine, red mullet, tuna, salmon, trout, swordfish, turbot, mackerel, anchovy or anchovy, pomfret, eel, herring, carp, horse mackerel, elver, dogfish, chicharro or lamprey.

They have significant amounts of omega 3, a natural fat that makes up the cell membranes of the brain. In fact, almost 60% of the total weight of the nervous system is made up of lipids. The correct intake of these fatty acids contributes to cognitive development, according to a study published in the “Journal of Psychopharmacology”. Therefore, oily fish are an excellent way to nourish the little ones.

Children's brain foods promote concentration and attention.

2.- Pasta

As we know, carbohydrates provide energy to the body. This is not only intended for physical expenditure, but also for brain function; it consumes 20% of daily energy resources.

Slowly absorbed carbohydrates, such as pasta, will always allow you to have a reserve of glucose on hand to be your brain fuel. Its intake is recommended during the day. In the case of cereals, consuming them for breakfast allows the brain to reestablish itself after an overnight fast. In any case, it is recommended to consume whole grain pasta and cereals, without sugar.

3.- Egg yolk

Its main contribution is that of choline, a vitamin of group B. The importance of this nutrient is that they form myelin, a substance that covers the junctions between neurons, called neurotransmitters.

Choline can also be found in leafy vegetables. Its intake in the first years of life is very important, which is when these brain connections are created, according to a study published in 2017. Of course, it is necessary to combine the ingredients that provide it and not abuse only the consumption of eggs .

4.- Legumes and red meat

Why do we include these two foods in the same group? It is because they share two fundamental nutrients.

On the one hand, both provide protein. These, as we know, are very important for the formation of tissues throughout the body. As not all proteins contain essential amino acids, which are those that specifically contribute to the nervous system, the ideal is to consume several kinds regularly.

Also, both legumes and meats provide significant amounts of iron. This mineral has the property of promoting oxygen transport through the blood. In this way, inconveniences such as lack of attention, concentration, asthenia and general fatigue are prevented.

5.- Sugar

You may wonder how this item could be included in a list of brain foods for kids. Sugar is important to keep the brain active and stimulated. However, it should not be abused; This would only cause damage to the body and lead to the appearance of diseases such as diabetes.

So, a daily dose of two or more fruits would have a positive impact on the child’s brain development. Bananas in particular are advisable to improve brain functions. However, foods rich in simple sugars and processed by the industry should be avoided. The only sugar that can be recommended is the one that we ingest thanks to the contribution of fruit.

Feel free to incorporate these brain foods for kids into their diet.

6.- Dairy

Of course, yogurts, milk and cheeses could not be missing. These offer large amounts of calcium; This nutrient is very important because it regulates nerve functions and also lowers blood pressure, which tends to rise when there is stress due to mental exhaustion.

Calcium plays a central role in the transmission of nerve impulses. It is not only present in dairy, although these are its main source; it is also in nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Varied diet for brain development

We can conclude that good nutrition is essential for the integral development of a child in all its senses. Not only the physical aspect will benefit, but also the mental one. Therefore, do not hesitate to incorporate these foods for children’s brains into their diet.

However, remember the importance of a varied and balanced diet from the energy point of view. Including foods of different types will guarantee the contribution of all the essential nutrients in adequate quantities for the functioning of the organism.

When you talk to your son his brain wakes up

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