I Won’t Be Able To Love You For The Rest Of Your Life, But I Will Be Able To Love The Rest Of Mine

I won't be able to love you for the rest of your life, but I can love the rest of mine

There are fears within you that I can never avoid. There are promises that I can never make. However, my love, I certainly want to commit myself to provide you with a certainty that transmits security to you. The truth is that I won’t be able to love you for the rest of your life. But yes I will for the rest of mine.

It is that son, being absolutely and painfully sincere, I cannot swear to accompany you until the last day of your life. But rest assured that I will take care of you and adore you until my last breath. You’ll see how, even in the worst moments, I will manage to always be by your side when you need me most, and when you don’t, too.

It’s true, neither of us will leave this world alive. I embrace the hope that biological logic does not fail, and it is I who must go first. Well, I will have already walked my way, and delineated your possible routes. By then, I will have left my legacy alive, always preaching by example.

Surely you will have several years of life without my physical presence. But by then just remind me and you will understand that you are not so alone. Enjoy me in life, as much as I plan to do it until my last day. And if necessary, in the future, keep me alive in your memory.

I can love you until the end of my days

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I will not be able to love you until the end of your life, but I do know that I will until the end of my days. Regardless of the circumstances you have to go through. What difference does it make about the ailments of age, the family you form once you spread your beautiful wings and your fight over time because of your responsibilities.

I will always be willing to give you the best I have in life: my time. My most precious treasure. My patience and my company belong to you until I leave. I offer you my ears so that you confess your secrets and tell me your sorrows.

I also offer my shoulders for when you need to cry. If you feel like you will stumble, here I am, hold tight on my back. When you have fallen, do not grieve, just take my hand and quickly stand up. There is no storm that can defeat you if there is a united family as support.

I will enjoy your smiles and antics, I will prepare the most appetizing dishes for you. I will rejoice in each of your successes, and we will reflect on your failures. I will hide the secrets that you hide which treasure in your heart but that your eyes scream that only I know how to read.

I will live my life happily and with all the joy that you infect, because I know that in you I found everything I need. I will admire you every day, I will dedicate my sleepless nights to you that have your name tattooed on them. I will treasure your purity, innocence and nobility.

I can love you like that precious wonder

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Since I found out about your existence, I have never been able to feel alone. You have been my company since that test returned -surprisingly- “positive.” Since then, I have learned to value my mother. From that moment on, I began to think twice: for you and for me.

When the time comes to say goodbye forever, that most important wonder of my life will pass through my eyes. The one that emerged as a dream, fed hope, became my illusion and materialized in the sweetest and most tender reality.

During this time that we walk together I will assure you a long life. I will watch over your health and well-being, and I will fight tooth and nail for your happiness, regardless of the costs I have to pay for it. I take the risks of loving and protecting you at all times and places.

My son, you must be strong and love me with all your might, as much as I love you. It is only in this way that you will learn that, when the time comes, you will have to let me go. Do it with the absolute assurance that I can love you from start to finish, unconditionally and forever. Without limits or borders.

Cover image courtesy of Katie m. Berggren

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