5 Tips Not To Miss Out On Gifts With Children

5 tips not to miss gifts with children

What mother does not want to fill her child’s life with gifts? Any parent wants the life of their child to be sweet, pleasant and like an eternal party full of joy. However, to express the love you feel for your child or celebrate his birthday, it is not necessary to spend gifts with a mountain of toys.

It is true that many people express their love and joy for the achievements of their child with a gift or a great celebration, so sometimes, during many dates such as birthdays or Christmas, they lend themselves so that these little ones receive many gifts.

Just as it is also true that the parents and relatives of the child are often tempted to buy so many things, that sometimes it seems that they “pass on gifts”. It is not bad to give a gift, but remember that with each action you are transmitting values, educating your child.

Perhaps as a parent you have wondered if so many toys are really necessary. However, beyond that, how educational is it that our children receive so many gifts? If you are faced with this dilemma, it is very likely that you should read this series of tips so that you consider them when giving gifts to your child.

5 tips not to miss out on gifts on important dates

The important thing is always the people who are by your side

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The gifts are exciting and are part of that ritual of celebrating a birthday or Christmas party but, in the end, what the child will remember will be the people with whom he was celebrating that moment.

Surely when he is an adult he will remember what he shared that day with his grandparents, cousins ​​or friends, among other people. The pleasant moments shared, the laughter, the games and perhaps the taste of the cake will be the things that you remember the most.

Joining together to buy the gifts may be a good idea

Among the guests at a party can be organized to buy together the gift in common, so the child will not have an avalanche of things and even repeated gifts. And on the contrary, they can buy something more durable that the child can take advantage of for a long time.

Think about what toys to give

Play is an essential part of children’s learning and development, so parents think a lot about the type of toys they want for their children.

Therefore, to avoid receiving unwanted gifts or games that the child will not use, they can guide and advise grandparents and friends or even make a small list of functional toys according to the child’s age. The little ones will surely appreciate the advice.

Better few than many

Believe it or not, children are not able to assimilate all the gifts they receive, and it is normal that, of all the new toys, they end up having a preference for only three or four of them.

In some cases, you will only be interested in one more than the others. Therefore, it is better to receive few gifts and that are of good quality, to many that spoil soon or end up stacked in the closet.

Listen to their opinion

When making a list, do not forget that the opinion of the child counts, the opinion of the children should always be listened to. After all, they are the ones who are going to use these gifts.

You can also ask him about the option of donating last year’s toys or some of the gifts received to a charity, so that he can practice material detachment from a young age.

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No need to shop, shop and buy gifts

If you are going to a party where the recipient is smaller than your child, between you and him you can choose a toy that is no longer used and is in good condition. This way they will give it a second life, it will prevent the toy from being relegated to oblivion in a closet and you will be giving your child a good lesson in environmental education.

The best term that has been used to describe the minds of children is that of sponges, since they absorb information, patterns and everything taught very quickly; they adopt and imitate everything they see with ease. If they are allowed to receive excessive gifts every time it is their birthday or every time something is celebrated, they will be inadvertently initiating consumer habits that will also make it difficult to appreciate the value of things and gifts .

Sharing will always be the best and healthiest when it comes to receiving and giving gifts, so it is time for adults to confess something: we all love to use, even for a brief moment, the child’s new gifts; some adults use these gifts more than the child himself.

And if this happens with adults, you can imagine how much more the child’s friends want to use their new toys. Therefore, the perfect toy is one that everyone likes, can be shared and allows them to spend hours and hours enjoying together.

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