I’m The Mother Of A Fan In Love

I'm the mom of a fan in love

We have seen hundreds of videos that go viral showing girls of all ages desperate for their idols; This fashion is recent, but for years that mothers have suffered from the fan in love. A couple of decades ago two Peruvian girls starred in a terrible tragedy, they died in full concert of the Venezuelan musical group, Salserin.

A fan in love is the title of the song that the group recorded in his honor later, but will it be enough? Do we as mothers wish that the memory of our dead daughters be honored with a video or a song? At present we observe three-year-old girls cry inconsolably for the love of the star Justin Bieber.  What do mothers do about it?

There is nothing more beautiful than witnessing how our little ones discover love, they are passionate about their song or television stars and it is something that we are happy to see. We support that passion, we buy records for him or we take them to concerts; all within the enthusiasm still healthy.

However, there comes a time when it becomes a problem at home and as the mother of a fan in love, you must know the little girl’s tastes very well and always be willing to listen to her. Let us remember that it is about a platonic love, the first experience of this type and one of the facets of life, through which we all go; But when should we worry?

What are the dangers of a fan in love?

Heart made with Christmas sticks

When they are very small, there is nothing left but to let ourselves be touched by that special feeling, usually it will be something temporary, which will move away from them with the same speed that fashion passed. However, some ages are more delicate, adolescents are somewhat more impulsive, and their emotions are much more complex.

Either way, the best thing to do is make sure that while their fanaticism lasts, there are no consequences to regret. The dazzling of your favorite star’s fame, style, or beauty will be short-lived, sometimes until the artist marries or introduces his girlfriend; That is why it is advisable to be attentive to his behavior while the love lasts.

The effect of fanaticism can vary from one girl to another, they may not go beyond hearing their songs a hundred thousand times or filling their wall with posters; but others may pretend to go further. Girls who are depressed for days because they cannot attend a concert or those who decide to end the “relationship” violently, can be the most worrying cases.

There are at least two types of fans, some moderate and others truly “fanatical”; In the case of girls, in general it is a fantasy that makes them aspire to the love of their idol. As we know, it is something that should not worry us too much, because it is almost a fact that they will not even meet in person.

However, what the mother of the fan in love really worries about is the behavior of her daughters, especially when she is attentive to the coexistence and integrity of family and friends. It is risky when girls lose control, become obsessed, and can take actions that harm them.


Cases of misfortune

We can come to believe that it is nonsense by girls and sometimes it is just that, but unfortunately there are cases that have ended in tragedy. Fans around the world have pushed the limits, there have been murder of stars by their admirers, harassment, violence and clinical cases.

The obsession with Justin Bieber led a fan to murder her father; But it is things like these that we must avoid, because everything begins to manifest itself in a way that is still controllable. When the bigotry becomes more apparent, these people can get caught up in circumstances like these.

  • Girls who have decided to tattoo the names of their idols
  • Discredited in social networks
  • Excessive transformations, personality change or extreme body modifications
  • Imitation of tragic situations (accidents, injuries, suicide)
  • Death threats against them, their pets or their idols.

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