7 Sensory Activities And Crafts For Agitated Children

Sensory crafts and activities have many benefits for children’s development. In addition, they are perfect for those who have a lot of energy.
7 sensory activities and crafts for restless kids

Do you have a little one at home who does not stop and you no longer know what to do to make him distracted? Next, we bring you some ideas of activities and sensory crafts for agitated children with which your child will spend very fun times and that favor their integral development.

Sensory activities help develop the imagination and fine motor skills of the little ones. In addition, these crafts help them target their excess energy and frustration and provide them with enormous benefits and learnings through discovery and experimentation.

Benefits of sensory crafts and activities for agitated children

There are many benefits that sensory stimuli can bring to the little ones and, in addition, they help the most restless children to channel their energy into educational activities that will benefit their development. Let’s see some of these benefits:

Child playing with plasticine doing sensory activities and crafts for agitated children.
  • It relaxes, calms, and slows down those children who are agitated. These activities make them stop to observe, interact, reason, think …
  • It improves the fine motor skills of the little ones, since in many of these activities they need to use their fingers, their hands, pick up small objects or even use tweezers.
  • It increases their self-esteem and security, since they are activities in which they will achieve a secure achievement. This, in children with easy frustration or who do not feel confident in themselves, will be helpful since, when they do the activity, they will realize that they have done well.
  • It encourages social skills, especially if children have to interact with other children or adults.
  • Improves language development, they acquire more vocabulary while interacting with the different things they have in their environment.
  • Improves attention, coordination and concentration.
  • It favors the development of logical thinking.
  • It helps them get the motivation to improve at what they do.
  • It favors the personal, social, emotional and physical development of the child.

Some sensory activities and crafts for agitated children

We have already seen the enormous benefits that sensory activities have in children, so do not miss some of these crafts and exercises that can be carried out with the little ones.

Sensory bags

Sensory bags can become one of the best sensory activities and crafts for hectic kids. Through these bags, the little ones explore the world without staining everything.

Here we can use our imagination to fill these bags and, when they are finished, the children will enjoy the different experiences they provide. We will need

  • Freezer bags. We can use two to make sure that what we put in does not come off.
  • Gel, shaving cream, food coloring, glitter, small flashy objects, letters and numbers, marbles, etc.
  • Water, baby oil …

    With all these materials we will create the sensory bag. We can put gel and lettering so that they can handle it through the viscosity of the gel. Also, shaving foam with different colors, so that they can mix them. .. Here we leave it to your imagination!

    Sensory mass

    This dough is ideal, since it can be liquid and hard at the same time. It is very funny and, in addition, children are not in danger if they put it in their mouth because it contains cornstarch and water. It is a way of observing different textures in a single mass.


    What child has never played with bubbles? Also, they love this activity; If you have a patio, a balcony or a garden, this set is ideal so that the floor of your house does not get stained.

    It helps a lot to focus the eyes of children when they stare at the bubbles. Likewise, it will favor the development of the ability to cause and effect, since when they touch the bubbles they explode.

    Natural plasticine

    Working with clay is something that we all like and relax. We can make the plasticine ourselves or we can use clay and play with our children to model. In this way, they exercise the motor skills of their hands and fingers and promote their creativity. The pleasant sensation of handling the clay will make them relax little by little.

    More sensory activities and crafts for hectic kids

    Child playing with soap bubbles.

    Sensory board

    We can make a sensory board with different textures so that the little ones can touch each one of them and can experience the different sensations that it gives them.

    Cardboard, fabrics, buttons, wool, sponge, feathers, shells, wooden sticks, macaroni … With all these materials and whatever we can think of, we can create our sensory board so that children can experience the different sensations that touching each one offers them. one of these objects.

    Sensory bottles

    To do this activity, we will need a plastic bottle. In it, we can put rice, lentils, water, balls that swell when in water, oil, glitter, coloring, etc.

    We can use the materials we want and combine them at will to create this sensory bottle, which will make the child spend a while entertaining seeing how it sounds or what is inside when shaking it.

    Sticky table

    With the sticky table we will be promoting the child’s thinking, since he will observe that everything he leaves on the table stays stuck. It is ideal for developing fine motor skills, for pinching your fingers, and for improving your concentration and analytical skills.

    We can make this sticky table with book covers and adhesive tape. To do this, we will put the lining on the table and stick it around with the tape. Thus, we will turn a normal table into a sticky one.

    In short, sensory activities and crafts for agitated children are a great way for children to learn while channeling their excess energy. They explore their environment, experiment with different sensory games and have fun through the senses.

    The different sensory stimuli provide numerous benefits in the development of intelligence, thought and language. In addition, these activities allow the child to analyze and understand what is happening around him. What are you waiting to put them into practice with your children?

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