How To Act Legally Against An Abusive Teacher?

Although our children go to school to educate themselves in values ​​and knowledge, unpleasant, undesirable situations also occur. One of them is that of an abusive teacher. In practice, we must know the mechanisms to defend our children.
How to act legally against an abusive teacher?

School is a place where children and adolescents should feel safe. However it is not always so. In addition to cases of bullying between students, which are becoming more frequent, there are also cases of bullying between teacher and student.

This teacher harassment is a rare situation, since most teachers are responsible professionals who carry out their work with dedication and vocation.

On a daily basis, there are cases in which minors are victims of mistreatment or harassment by a teacher. Parents need to be very attentive to this situation and report it as quickly as possible. Next, we will see some elements to know how to act legally against an abusive teacher.

How to act legally against an abusive teacher?

What is teacher bullying?

Bullying by a teacher is part of what is known as bullying. Sometimes we think that bullying or bullying refers exclusively to a situation of mistreatment between equals, in this case, between students. However, when bullying occurs between an abusive teacher and a student, it also falls into the category of bullying.

Bullying encompasses all situations of humiliation, humiliation or insult that occur within the school environment. These are actions of verbal, physical or psychological abuse, which are repeated and remain over time. These situations can occur between students or between a teacher and a student.

Harassment by a teacher of a student is a situation in which the teacher abuses his authority and power against the student. This conflict can be especially difficult for the minor, since it comes from a higher authority. That is why many times he does not dare to tell it.

Signs that a child is the victim of an abusive teacher

The bullying or harassment by a teacher is more difficult to detect than bullying among students. And it is not easy to handle either. The minor cannot go for help to the person who represents for him the authority in the school environment, since the harassment comes precisely from that person.

It even happens that children and adolescents, not understanding the reason for the abuse by the teacher, think that it is deserved. Because of this, they may feel afraid or ashamed and not tell their parents. That is why parents should always be aware of strange behaviors that may appear in their children. 

For example, if a child refuses or is afraid to go to school, this is a clear red flag that something is happening. Similarly, if you notice a lack of appetite, poor school performance, sleep problems, etc., it is necessary to speak with the child and investigate the causes. The child could be being bullied by an abusive teacher.

How to report a abusive teacher

In case the parents have confirmed that there is some kind of physical, verbal or psychological abuse by a teacher towards a student, it is necessary to act immediately.

How to act legally against an abusive teacher?

The first thing to do is go to the teacher himself or to the authorities of the educational center. This will depend on the severity of the bullying and the openness on the part of the teacher. In many cases, it is preferable to go directly to the school’s management.

It is important to make a written approach, record the meetings or keep a copy of the minutes that are signed during them. These documents will be important evidence in case the school’s intervention is not enough. If there is evidence of bullying, parents must also present it to the school authorities.

If the intervention of the school is not enough, the next step is to file an administrative complaint with the corresponding Ministry of Education. If the case needs it, it can open a file with the teacher and impose some sanction.

If none of these instances has worked, the last option for parents is to go to court to report the abusing teacher. In this case, it is essential to have the advice of a specialist in Law, as well as all the evidence of the case.

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