Techniques To Teach The Baby To Sleep Continuously

Crying or not, there are very different and varied techniques for teaching the baby to sleep. You just have to have a little patience, perseverance and generate good habits.
Techniques to teach your baby to sleep continuously

Teaching the baby to sleep is a task that parents must do. Each child is unique and the techniques used must be appropriate for him. There are even very opposite ways that can be used with the same child at different time periods.

In general, it  is advisable to start this plan in the fourth month of the baby’s life, but this may vary from case to case. Some little ones sleep several hours at a time from a very young age, while others find it more difficult.

General tips for the baby to sleep through

There are two totally opposite theories regarding how to get children used to falling asleep on their own. However, first you have to know some rules that are common and help to generate the habit.

  • The whole family must agree on the technique to be used. If the mother decides that she will let him cry in his crib for a few minutes, someone else should not pick him up.
  • Set nap times during the day and respect this schedule. This way you won’t be so tired and you can relax more quickly.
  • Repeat a routine at night before going to bed. You can provide a bath, pamper him with a story or song, give him gentle massages and put him in the crib, for example.
  • Try to get him to sleep early. If you wait until you are too sleepy, you may get nervous and not be able to do it anymore.
  • Avoid arguments between the elderly at that time; Babies sense tensions.

Experts continue to research and debate the best conditions to teach the baby to sleep, but they do not reach an agreement precisely because there is no single way. Some parents will have the best results with a certain technique, and others will be happy with others.

Teaching the baby to sleep is a task that begins from the first months of life.

Methods to teach the baby to sleep

  • Sleep without crying

It is surely the most desired by the grandparents of the little ones, since they do not want them to ever cry for anything.

William Sears is a pediatrician who carries the banner of this theory and bases his advice on the idea that positive associations should be created. If the baby manages to connect sleep with caresses and tranquility, he will achieve a healthy rest.

You have to take the already half-sleepy little one to his crib and be attentive to the slightest sound. If necessary, pick him up again and cradle him every time he wakes up.

Breastfeeding, bottle, or pacifier, gently caressing, and reassuring are key to this technique. Parents are also advised to sleep with the baby if they wish.  The important thing is that the child manages to associate this moment with something certain in his life.

This method takes more time and the teaching is done gradually. Slowly the awakenings will become more spaced  and sleep will be a pleasant moment.

  • Sleeping with tears

At the other extreme are those who say that to teach the baby to sleep alone, you have to let them cry. With this method, babies get into the habit faster, but you have to have the patience to carry it out.

Richard Ferber assures that it is necessary for the child to learn to calm down on their own. To do this, you have to put him in his crib while he is awake. If he cries, go to his side for a few minutes and calm him with a pat or sing, but do not take him in your arms. And leave it again.

Crying for a few minutes does not cause him any harm and seeing his parent approaching will provide security. After a while of tears, he will fall asleep.

There are various techniques to teach the baby to sleep.
  • Fading method

This is a stream that is between the previous two. Seek that the child calms down on his own, but more gradually.

He lies awake and the parents stay by his side, cradling him until he sleeps; little by little they move further away or spend less time by his side. Thus, the baby gradually acquires the habit of sleeping unaccompanied.

Beyond the number of tips for teaching your baby to sleep alone, the key is the flexibility to switch from one method to another as needed.

Some of these techniques may work for one child, but perhaps not for another. You just have to try and not despair with sleep. Sooner or later, the results will come.

Can you teach a child to sleep?

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