9 Foods That Help Children Sleep

Foods rich in tryptophan contribute to a better quality of sleep, reducing interruptions in it.
9 foods that help children sleep

There can be many reasons why children may have trouble falling asleep. It may be from teething, because they are testing the rules, because they have taken too many naps during the day or perhaps because they are afraid of the dark. There is a way to help children if they have sleep problems, and that is through food.  

Some foods have a natural sedative effect on the body, so you can experiment with some of them at dinner and see if they have a good effect on your child’s sleep at night.

Foods that can help your child sleep

The bananas

Bananas are the number one food when it comes to magnesium. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that has been shown to be effective in enhancing sleep. In addition to that, bananas also contain melatonin and serotonin – two natural compounds that many people use to quickly fall asleep.

Dairy foods are foods that help you fall asleep

Dairy or dairy products – especially milk – are full of tryptophan. Tryptophan is the amino acid known to help people feel sleepy after a large meal. Consider giving the children a glass of milk about an hour before bedtime. You will notice how children will sleep earlier and sleep better. 

Whole foods for your child to rest


Whole foods are rich in complex carbohydrates, these carbohydrates will help you make sure that your child goes to sleep at an appropriate time.

Some examples of carbohydrate-rich whole grains include whole grains and pseudo-cereals. These foods have vitamin B6 in their composition, which together with melatonin improves the quality of sleep, as stated in an article published in the “Open Acess Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences”.

Chicken or turkey

If you’re looking for dinner ideas, don’t rule out using chicken. This, like dairy products, has high levels of tryptophan. It is this amino acid that helps improve conciliation and quality of sleep, according to an article published in 2019.

The salmon

Salmon, along with other types of seafood such as shellfish, helps stimulate the production of serotonin and melatonin. Both substances are well known because they help promote healthy sleep in people of all ages. In addition, salmon is also good for the heart health of the person who consumes it.


Adding a serving of rice to your kids ‘weeknight dinners will have a big impact on your little ones’ sleep patterns.

This food is rich in fiber and B vitamins.  These compounds will help you relax and fall asleep more easily.

Lean meat

The iron found in lean meat will help your child maintain healthy energy levels throughout the day. In addition, lean meat, like many of the other foods that we discuss in this article, is high in tryptophan and this will allow your child to sleep earlier and better.


Whole wheat pasta

Consider making a whole wheat pasta dinner with a sprinkle of cheese (cheese is also rich in tryptophan). Complex carbohydrates combined with tryptophan will help you sleep earlier and not wake up during the night.

Spinach and green leafy vegetables, essential foods for sleep

Green leafy vegetables, like spinach and cabbage, are also full of tryptophan. These foods have many health benefits for both adults and children. Spinach is an essential food in any healthy diet, so it should not be missing from the usual diet in your family. The fact that it will help your child fall (and stay) asleep is just an added bonus.

Optimize the diet for children to sleep

The foods mentioned will help your children to sleep better. For this reason, it is a good idea for them to appear frequently at your dinners.

If children still have trouble falling asleep, the best option is to see a specialist. Do not forget that when resting it is necessary to have healthy habits. Going to bed at the same time every day and not being exposed to the blue light of the screens significantly improves the quality of rest.

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