Discover What Breast Milk Is Like Up Close

Breast milk is an ideal food for the development of the baby thanks to its nutrient content.
Discover what breast milk looks like up close

Breast milk is shrouded in mystery, it is known to be a very valuable food. Its characteristics define it as the ideal food for the baby in its first months of life. However, until now we have not been able to see it as it appears to us under the microscope.

Recently, a mother has been able to determine that breast milk is indeed “alive.” It is a food rich in bacteria that are capable of colonizing the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, providing benefits for its growth.

Long live mother’s milk!

Up close, breast milk becomes much more interesting. That is why an impressive video is currently circulating on the networks that makes us fall in love more with this liquid. So far we have known the benefits of this food, but we did not know it in this way.

One ordinary day, Jansen Howard had the idea of ​​placing his own milk under the lens of his father’s microscope. He barely observed a drop, which is now the most famous on the net. Such was the surprise that he decided to record it and start the video on Facebook.

The video of what breast milk looks like on a larger scale has gone viral on the internet. Thanks to this initiative, we can now all see it up close. The movement of the cells was an unexpected reaction. Even knowing the virtues of this food, he never thought what he would find.

breastfed baby

As we know, breast milk provides multiple benefits to the baby. In fact, feeding children with this product is associated with a lower risk of developing autoimmune diseases. This is stated in an article published in the magazine “Nutrients”.

What did we expect to see?

Breast milk is made up of water, enzymes, bacteria, immunoglobulins, vitamins, minerals, and proteins. These components make life in this product from the moment it begins to form. Then it becomes the most important nutrient in the development of the human baby.

We expected to see water, which is the foundation on which these elements thrive. Also a group of isolated cells that represent the rest of the components. Perhaps bacteria could be the cause of life and the movement that is observed.

The elements that make up milk float independently in the water. This makes it a mysterious and priceless food. It is believed that each milk is different in each mother, because it is special for her baby. For each child, there is a type of milk produced for him.

Liquid gold

The mother who released the aforementioned video, qualifies as “liquid gold” breast milk, after observing it closely. She says that she always knew about the benefits of food, but wondered how she can adapt to any baby’s needs.

It is known that when the child is sick or have special needs, the milk is modified. Sometimes it grows into antibodies or becomes easier to digest. Seeing all the life in it, it’s understandable. The movement of the milk is real and can be easily observed.

freshly expressed breast milk

The witnesses of the event, that is, the thousands of people who have seen the video, are fascinated by this natural beauty. The change of composition sometimes required, therefore, she achieves it herself. We already knew all the benefits of the product, now we know that it is worth more.

The woman calls for the protection of milk as a miraculous product. In addition, it focuses on defending breastfeeding, without pressure. Anyone who has decided not to breastfeed should not feel pressured, but it is important to give it the value it deserves.

In particular, health personnel must cooperate in the dissemination of programs that promote breastfeeding. It suggests that the way to protect this food be evaluated, due to its richness and its own capacities.

Breast milk, the best food for the baby

It is proven that breast milk is the best food for the baby. It is advised that the child ingest this product for at least the first year of life. However, introducing complementary feeding after 6 months can also have positive effects on their development, according to research published in the journal “Pediatrics international”.

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