My Baby Did Not Receive His Milk At Birth Either

Consuming breast milk at birth contributes to modulating the microbiota and improving the individual’s state of health, which has a positive impact on the functioning of the body.
My baby also did not receive her milk at birth

Breast milk is very important during the development of the baby, but it is not only useful in the course of growth, it is also vital that the baby receives its milk in the first minute of life. According to studies, one in two newborns is not fed breast milk until one hour after birth, however, this can be detrimental to their health; the data warn that at least 80% of deaths in neonates are related to this deficiency during 24 hours after birth.

Without wishing to cause alarm, we must admit that it also happened to many of us; According to the characteristics of the delivery, it is normal to wait for the first encounter between mother and child to take place. During this process, the baby may not receive his milk at birth, which can sometimes last for several hours; the figures reach 50% when we refer to the first hour of life.

Experts explain that the delay in breastfeeding during the first 24 hours after the baby is born is a situation that affects more than 70 million children in the world. Given the alarming number, it is possible that most of our children have had this, something that can be harmful as the period lengthens.

Mother and nursing son

How does delayed breastfeeding affect the baby?

Breast milk can provide the protection that the baby requires in his first contact with the outside, at the moment of connecting with the mother in this way, the little one receives antibodies and nutrients that have been shown to prevent diseases and even death. Specialists explain that receiving milk from the moment of birth reduces the risks of neonatal death by 40%; In the event that it is delayed for more than 24 hours, the risk of death can reach a shocking 80%.

According to nutrition experts, about 800 thousand children could be saved per year if there was a greater commitment to this practice, since the best recommendation is that babies feed on their mother’s milk from birth to six months without exception. However, in many countries this has not improved; it is even known of cases in which babies are fed cow’s milk or sugar water for at least five days after birth.

Keep in mind that breast milk is the best food for your baby, according to a study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Heatlh . The fact of opting for this way of feeding will bring benefits for health and for the development of the microbiota. In this sense, it is recommended whenever possible to choose breastfeeding up to the first 6 months of life at least.

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There is a place where you do not breastfeed after childbirth

There are different reasons why many mothers do not breastfeed their babies at any stage; sometimes there are health problems or difficulties in milk production, many times it is also a decision of each mother. In regions of the Middle East, Asia and North Africa, it is not customary to promote breastfeeding, many mothers simply do not breastfeed when their children are born, even when deliveries take place in health centers.

Similarly, it is likely that many of the mothers who do not breastfeed their babies at birth, do so for reasons that do not depend on them; for example, it is common when complications occur during delivery or the baby needs emergency care. It also happens that the procedure performed during childbirth is so long that it warrants a separation of many hours. The truth is that sometimes they are circumstances that cannot be avoided, because all mothers want the best for their children in all aspects of life.

Breastfeeding is essential

If your baby is doing well, has successfully outgrown early development, and is growing strong, there is no reason to be concerned if he is part of the group of babies who did not receive their milk at birth. In this sense, the most difficult thing will have passed and we will have obtained an experience to share or to practice if we had another opportunity.

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