7 Dinner Recipes For Pregnant Women

Dinners can be a conflict meal. If not done properly, they have a negative impact on health, both on the mother and on the baby.
7 dinner recipes for pregnant women

Eating when we are pregnant is easy, but cooking is not so easy. Although in most cases we can eat everything, we usually take great care of ourselves at this stage.

For this reason at dinner time it is common for us to run out of arguments for the kitchen, what can I have dinner today? We present seven practical dinner recipes, which are ideal for pregnant women, but that you can enjoy at any time.

1. Cream of spinach

This preparation is characterized by its vitamin C content, which has a positive impact on the immune system, as stated in a study published in Nutrients .


  • 250 ml of liquid milk cream.
  • 1 Kg of spinach.
  • 1 egg.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • 2 cloves of garlic


First we wash the spinach very well, then we put it to boil for a minute, after this time we drain it and cut it. Meanwhile, we heat a frying pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. We cut the garlic into thin slices and sauté them in the oil, along with the cut spinach.

After sautéing for a few minutes, add the cream, salt and pepper and mix. Serve and decorate with boiled egg.


2. Tuna salad with yogurt sauce

With this recipe you will make sure you get the necessary proteins to guarantee proper muscle health.


  • ½ kg of fresh tuna.
  • Lettuce or spinach.
  • A glass of natural yogurt.
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • Parsley.
  • Salt.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


We steam the tuna for about ten minutes. Meanwhile we clean the lettuce or spinach and cut roughly. In a salad bowl we mix the yogurt with the chopped parsley, the oil and the lemon; season.

When the tuna is cooked, we clean it of skin and bones, and cut it into cubes. To the previous mixture we add the lettuce and on top we place the chopped tuna.

3. French omelette with turkey

It is not appropriate to abuse cold cuts. However, turkey, in adequate proportions, is capable of providing health benefits derived from its protein content.


  • Cooked turkey pieces.
  • 2 eggs
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt.

We beat the eggs in a bowl and then add the turkey pieces, we also add some salt. At the same time we heat a frying pan and add oil. When it is hot, pour in the mixture and cook for a couple of minutes on each side. To accompany a salad of tomatoes or carrots is good.


4. Baked sea bass with potatoes

Fish is essential in any healthy diet. It has in its composition fatty acids from the omega 3 series, which have been shown to be capable of exerting a positive effect when it comes to modulating inflammation.


  • 2 loins of seabass.
  • 2 large potatoes.
  • 1 onion.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt.

We turn the oven to 180º and let it preheat. We wash, peel and julienne the potatoes and onions. Then we place the oil on a baking tray and on top of it the potato slices and onions. We take the preparation to the oven for about ten minutes, after this time we add the sea bass and let it bake for an additional 20 minutes. To serve we can add some finely chopped parsley.

5. Boiled broccoli, potato and carrot

Vegetables are a safe bet in any meal plan. Try to introduce many different kinds of them.


  • 1 potato
  • A carrot.
  • 1 small broccoli.
  • Salt.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


We boil salted water in a saucepan. Meanwhile we clean and cut the broccoli, potatoes and carrots, preferably in cubes.  We place our vegetables in the boiling water and let it cook for about 30 minutes. When this time has passed, we remove them from the water with the help of a slotted spoon. When serving we add olive oil or some light mayonnaise.

6. Healthy dinner recipes: cream lentils

Legumes, apart from minerals, provide high-quality fiber and carbohydrates.


  • 400 g of lentils.
  • 2 liters of water.
  • 2 turnips
  • 1 ham bone.
  • 2 leeks
  • two tablespoons of cheese spread.
  • 2 carrots
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


We boil the water with the ham bone and a little oil. When the preparation is boiling we add the cut vegetables. Cook for 45 minutes covered over medium heat. After the cooking time has elapsed, remove the vegetables and add the lentils to cook until soft. Then we add the vegetables and beat until a puree consistency. Serve with cheese spread, oil and salt.

7. Grilled vegetables

Be careful when cooking vegetables on the grill. Avoid burning, otherwise toxic compounds could be generated.


  • Zucchini.
  • Leek.
  • Asparagus.
  • Carrot.
  • Tomato.
  • Onion.
  • Mushroom.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Coarse salt.


The first thing we do is preheat the grill or griddle. Then we begin to wash the vegetables and cut them into slices, except for the carrots and the leek that go diagonally. The asparagus are served whole and the mushrooms rolled.

We begin to roast each of the vegetables separately, the hardest ones first. We roast on both sides making sure they are cooked golden brown. We serve to taste, we place coarse salt.

Prepare healthy dinner recipes for pregnant women

If you follow the dinner recipes that we have offered you, you will ensure that you prepare healthy dishes during pregnancy. A good diet at this time in life is crucial in order to improve the health of the mother and the fetus.

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