Caring For Grandchildren, Prevention Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s?

Caring for grandchildren, Prevention of senile dementia and Alzheimer’s? Find out what science says about it, you will be surprised!
Caring for grandchildren, prevention of dementia and Alzheimer's?

Without a doubt, the childhood of every child is marked by fire by the moments shared with their grandparents. Likewise, this beautiful and nurturing relationship has incalculable advantages for the elderly, as science has shown that caring for grandchildren helps prevent cognitive problems.

Not only do children benefit from those wise beings who indulge, protect, and love excessively, but grandparents also gain from this bond. Well, taking care of grandchildren helps prevent the appearance of typical diseases of old age, such as senile dementia and Alzheimer’s.

A scientific study that revolutionized the world

This recent but more controversial and hopeful medical study was presented by Alzheimer’s and senile dementia specialist Jonathan LaPook. It determines that caring for grandchildren is an activity that could well prevent cognitive decline in grandparents.

According to the report, keeping the elderly busy taking care of the little ones forces them to stay active for a while, for which it is necessary to start various mental processes, in addition to making an extra physical effort that also keeps them in shape.

This is because certain games require physical activity such as running, while many others involve some mental activity on the part of the adult to solve specific instructions. However, it should not be abused, as this activity should be done in moderation.

Of course, caring for grandchildren is an extremely demanding activity for the elderly, so the researchers pointed out that more than 5 days a week could take their toll sooner rather than later, causing fatigue and transforming pleasure into body aches. all kinds.

Details of this hopeful study

This recent research published in the journal of the North American Menopause Society reveals that both grandchildren and grandparents mutually benefit from timeshare:  the youngest get care and education while the older stay active longer.

In fact, grandparents by caring for grandchildren can prevent both cognitive decline and chronic diseases related to age ailments, such as Alzheimer’s or senile dementia. This is because, in this way, they manage to maintain their mental sharpness.


To arrive at this moving conclusion, the cases of 186 Australian women between the ages of 57 and 68 were analyzed, who underwent various tests of mental acuity, in addition to knowing their demands and obligations at the family level.

Out of the total number of women studied, 120 claimed to spend at least one day caring for their grandchildren. Surprisingly, it was precisely this group that was able to best solve the tests carried out. Well, this activity would have positive physical and emotional demands on your mind and body.

Consequently, children become a source of satisfaction for grandparents, as long as they are not subjected to strong parenting stress, since it benefits them to enjoy those fun aspects that both share and enjoy. Thus, the adult releases endorphins, they feel useful and their brain remains active.

In this way, we already know that not only will our children be more than grateful for spending quality time with their grandparents, but it also entails a series of advantages for the elderly. And the best thing is that both will be filled with energy, love and, especially, life.

Moderation in caring for grandchildren

However, the study maintains that for the benefits of these wise and loving beings to be optimal, it is convenient that the care of the grandchildren is moderate since, in excess, it could lead to physical exhaustion and stress for the elderly.

The report revealed that those grandmothers who reported caring for children for more than five days a week fared worse on tests specially designed to assess their memory and the speed of the mental process of work.

In this way, with this result it was also shown that, when taking care of the grandchildren for a longer time, the feeling of pressure and demand on the part of their children towards them increases, with which humor would play a fundamental role in this beneficial habit .


Although both the child and the adult enjoy and benefit from each other’s company, we must not forget that they are older people, who surely lost the energy and vitality they had years ago, so they deserve to have their moment of rest in absolute tranquility.

That is, as long as the grandparents can and want, they can help with the care of the grandchildren, but avoiding abuse and excesses, since they must also dedicate time to themselves, in addition to being able to enjoy their “golden age”.

Benefits of the grandparent-grandchild relationship

When we remember our past, we understand that our grandparents have made an indelible mark during our childhood that will accompany us for life. They are those retired parents, more relaxed and willing to pamper without measures and give everything in order to enjoy life.

The elderly play a fundamental role in the family nucleus. Without your help and dedication, parents and children would not have vital support to get ahead. More precisely, that close relationship between grandchildren and grandparents configures a strong and unique connection while countless and pleasant moments are shared.

It is a bond that nurtures each other, since it not only manages to generate a certain sense of well-being, but also brings certain benefits to the health of those who are aging since they feel active and participate in their upbringing, while children learn and they enjoy their unconditional love.

Likewise, science has proven that children who grow up close to their grandparents are happier because of the amounts of love, attention, fun and company they receive. While the grandparents relax observing and participating in the children’s games, they find a special being that generates confidence.

As has been seen, both parties mutually benefit, revealing the need and importance of fostering a close bond between grandson and grandfather. After all, what could be better than seeing the generations that came before us and those that followed us together, happy and healthy?

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