The Importance Of Popularity For Teenagers

Teen popularity can become an obsession, and that’s when we need to act. We present you some warning signs that you should know.
The importance of popularity for teens

The search for popularity for adolescents is something natural, as long as it occurs within normal parameters. The social becomes fundamental in their lives, they need to identify with the group, belong and be accepted.

Sometimes we tend to see everything that happens around adolescence as a tangle of problems. We classify them as complex, difficult and conflictive, which only makes an evolutionary process difficult.

Puberty is a stage in which physical changes are evident, hormones play an important role, and your personality is trying to establish itself. Their emotions are unstable and this is something natural that sometimes even they are not able to understand what is happening to them.

As adults who live with adolescents, whether they are parents, family members or teachers, we must bear in mind that these changes affect them in different ways and that it is important to remain empathetic and open to listening and understanding them.

During this stage, the boys try to find out who they really are. The family ceases to be the center of his universe to make his friends and the world that surrounds him his reference. This makes popularity for teens a cornerstone.

Insecurity and low self-esteem can become a danger when combined with the search for popularity, and that is where we have to be very attentive to the signals that adolescents send us.

Love and friendship between adolescents is key to understanding the process of learning and personal growth that this stage involves.

Some risks of the pursuit of popularity

Be who you are not

We must try to help them so that the search for popularity occurs through actions that identify them as individuals and with positive qualities, and not through pretending to be who they are not in order to be accepted. In the long run, these false roles end up turning against them, since they are seen as unreliable by their peers.

In addition, the search for approval can lead them to hide less socially accepted emotions, such as sadness. In the long run, it becomes a habit of life and they can become adults unable to connect with their feelings.

Out of place behavior

If adolescents do not have a good accompaniment and an example to follow, they can indulge in exhibitionistic behavior to attract attention and have more followers, especially on social networks.

Superficial relationships

If they focus only on the pursuit of popularity, without attaching importance to building true bonds, they will create shallow and lasting friendships.

what can we do as parents?

Communication and reflection

Communication is a process that is worked on since children are young. Many parents have not maintained this active bond and expect their children to tell them everything when they reach puberty. Error! You have to always be close and have an open and observant attitude towards them.

If you find that a teenager is too concerned about popularity, ask him what his motivations are and make him reflect on them. What do you think will give you popularity? What will you do if you become very popular? Do you think your life will change radically?

Foster healthy relationships

It is an excellent stage for young people to have sports teams, form a music group or any hobby  that motivates them. In this way, they will establish links based on more than just being known.

Selfie of two teenagers.

Respect comes first

Fostering respect for oneself and for others is fundamental, and it is another aspect that must be instilled since they are small. It is one of the axes for a teenager to grow up experimenting, challenging and challenging limits, but always with his feet on the ground, without hurting anyone, not even himself.

We must not forget that the pursuit of popularity for adolescents is crucial. It is up to us to give them the necessary support so that they do not become a dangerous weapon that can harm them and affect others.

Remember that adolescence does not come overnight; It is a process of growth and, therefore, we must offer our children the tools they will need to face it from childhood.

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