Lactose-free Recipes For The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

Lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy provide the nutrients that the baby needs for its formation. Try these delicious ideas if you have trouble metabolizing sugar.
Lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

That the baby receives the necessary nutrients for its growth is the goal of any mother. These lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy will help you get there.

Remember that you only need to eat lactose-free foods if you suffer from an intolerance to this sugar. Otherwise, this practice will not be beneficial, quite the opposite. This does not mean that sometimes you cannot include the following recipes in your diet, but do not cut out your lactose intake.

Healthy and balanced diet

A healthy and balanced diet is the ideal thing to carry the pregnancy to a happy term. As pregnancy progresses, nutritional needs change; proteins, vitamins and minerals are requirements to be satisfied to achieve, month by month, the optimal development of the baby.

More calories each month

From the fourth month, it is recommended to increase about 350 kilocalories per day, to reach 2,500 each day. For this, a diet high in protein, fat and carbohydrates is recommended.

Lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy help you reach the goal. They contain calcium, iron, iodine, omega3, vitamins A and C and fiber, ideal to guarantee the necessary nutrients for the fetus.

The type of food and the amounts to be eaten play an important role in controlling pregnancy. Increasing between a kilo and a kilo and a half per month is recommended, with a maximum of between 9 and 12 kilos at the end of the gestation period.

Lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

For lactose intolerant women, the recipes below will be ideal during the second trimester of pregnancy. In addition, they can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Broccoli and asparagus stir fry for two

Broccoli has a delicate flavor and is very versatile in the kitchen, which is why it supports many preparations. It also contains phytonutrients in its composition capable of reducing the risk of developing certain diseases, according to research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.


  • 4 sprigs of broccoli.
  • 12 wild asparagus.
  • 100 g of cooked ham.
  • 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil.
  • 100 ml of water.
  • 1 pinch of salt.
Green asparagus is a great option for a vegetable stir fry.


  • After being finely chopped, the cooked ham should be browned  in the pan with a tablespoon of olive oil.   Then add the asparagus stems cut into small pieces; reserve instead, the yolks also cut.
  • Cut and add the broccoli florets to the pan, along with the water and a pinch of salt. Raise the fire; once it boils, put a lid on it and let it cook for three to four minutes.
  • At this time, add the asparagus yolks and sauté for two minutes.

The dish is now ready to serve; Accompanied with a portion of bread and a portion of fruits, it is ideal for a nutritious dinner.

Norwegian salmon marmitako for four

This recipe has a significant protein content, necessary for the correct development of the fetus and to ensure the muscular functioning of the mother.


  • 1 spring onion.
  • 1/2 red pepper.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • 2 Norwegian salmon fillets (about 300 g).
  • 2 tablespoons tomato sauce.
  • Fish soup.


  • For the base of the stew, cut the chives and pepper into small pieces and cook over low heat. Add the potatoes and the spoonful of tomato and mix well so that all the ingredients are impregnated.
  • Add the fish stock until it covers the mixture. Let it cook over low heat for 20 minutes or until the potatoes can be easily split.
  • Remove the potatoes carefully and mash the rest of the sauce; then add the potatoes again together with the salmon cubes. If the mixture is thick you can add a little more broth.
  • Let cook for two or three more minutes so that the salmon is juicy; remove from heat and serve while still hot, accompanied by a delicious light salad.

Chicken tacos in orange and soy sauce for three people

This preparation contains vitamin C from citrus fruits. This nutrient has proven to be essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, as stated in a study published in the journal Nutrients .


  • 2 oranges
  • Two chicken breasts.
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Fresh thyme
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Chicken is a fundamental food in any diet.


  • In a saucepan, squeeze an orange and grate its peel. Cut the other orange into thin slices, and put them in the pan for one minute on each side or until golden brown. Reserve them for presentation.
  • Place the chicken breasts, cut into cubes, in a skillet over high heat so that they brown quickly. They should not be cooked inside or dried out; Reserve them together with the orange slices in a warm place.
  • To the saucepan with the juice and orange zest add the unpeeled garlic cloves, as well as the sugar and soy sauce. Boil for four or five minutes and add the breast tacos.
  • Cook for about three minutes. Finally add the thyme and cook everything for a minute.
  • Serve each portion on three or four orange slices, previously prepared, accompanied with bread and a salad of green leaves.

Prepare lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

These lactose-free recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy provide the nutrients necessary for the healthy development of the baby. In addition, they strengthen the maternal organism before the demands of the beautiful experience of being a mother.

Healthy recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

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