Games For Children In Summer

Games are not only entertainment, they are also the natural way of learning for children. For this reason, we propose some games that will enhance your children’s abilities while having fun.
Games for children in summer

With summer, high temperatures and outdoor life arrive. In addition, children have much more leisure time to enjoy. However, even the most creative families can run out of ideas and fall prey to boredom. Therefore, we propose these games for children that will make your summer an unforgettable experience.

Holidays are a perfect time to develop creativity, exercise, and enjoy nature. Therefore, the possibilities for fun and enrichment are endless, because let’s not forget that play is the natural way of learning for children.

Children playing with the ball outdoors in summer.

Games for children that develop cognitive abilities

Cognitive abilities are those related to processes such as attention, perception or memory. They are also the ones that involve information processing and problem solving. Here are some games for children that help them work on these skills.

The treasure map

Choose a chest or box and place a valuable treasure inside ; They can be chocolate coins or anything that children find attractive. Next, select a place in or around your home to hide or bury the treasure and draw a map to help the little ones find it.

Plasma the most striking or representative elements of the environment on the map so that they can serve as a guide and place a cross at the exact point where the treasure is. Finally, give them the map and invite them to start the search. It will be quite an adventure!


This game can be as complete as you want to propose it, since you can include the challenges that seem most appropriate. It is about establishing a route with different stations; In each one of them, the children will have to pass different tests to be able to pass to the next one. Tasks can range from guessing a puzzle to translating a sentence into English or solving a math problem.

Try to propose varied exercises so that each child can excel in one of them. Likewise, try that challenges encourage cooperation and teamwork. If you want to add some healthy competitiveness to it, you can make teams and test which of them reaches the finish line first.

Games for children that enhance creativity

Water balloons, one of the games for children in summer.

Painting with water balloons

This game can be really fun for the little ones. To carry it out, you will only need paint, water balloons and a large paper.

Simply place the blank canvas on the garden floor and fill the balloons with different colored paint. Now, invite the little ones to pop the balloons against the paper and develop their most imaginative side by creating a colorful abstract composition.

A less cumbersome alternative is to pour the paint onto a plastic plate and encourage children to use the balloons (filled with water) as a paintbrush. They can smear the surface of the balloon and slide it across the canvas to paint and draw.

Little writers

Nothing empowers creativity like storytelling. Therefore, provide your children with a pencil and paper, and suggest that they write their own story. You can leave them total freedom or provide them with some elements that the story should contain (people, places, events). In addition, they can add pictures that illustrate what is happening in the story. Once finished, you can read them together before bed.

Games for children who work physical activity

Within these types of games, races of various styles are an option that is as simple as it is fun. From the typical sack races, to those that are carried out by tying the right foot of a child to the left foot of his partner and running together. The mythical “wheelbarrow” races in which one child walks with his hands while the other supports his legs are also very funny for the little ones.

A summer playing

As you can see, games are not only a form of entertainment, but they can help the physical and mental development of children. In addition, they can be done both inside and outside the home, so they are a good alternative for sunny and rainy days.

Playing with your children will forge an indestructible bond and indelible memories. You can enjoy together while transmitting important values ​​and enhancing their skills. What are you waiting for to try them with your little ones?

6 water games to have fun in summer

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