The 4 Best Massages During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, these four types of massages will be essential to improve your discomfort. In addition, they will serve to better go through the moment of childbirth.
The 4 best massages during pregnancy

Although it is a very beautiful stage, pregnancy requires learning to carry physical and mental changes in order to make it pleasant and relaxed. Receiving massages during pregnancy can be very beneficial so that the mother can feel better and cope with all the changes that occur as the months progress.

Pregnancy is a stage that brings many changes for women, and discomfort is practically inevitable. One way to reduce them is with good massages during pregnancy.

These are, without a doubt, an effective and easy way to relieve discomfort. In addition, there are various types of massage during pregnancy, all of them to respond to the different needs of women and to benefit not only the mother but also the baby.

The 4 best massages during pregnancy

1.- Massages on the head, face and neck

These are a series of excellent massages to decrease tension in the body. In the case of the head, it is enough to exert a little pressure on the scalp with the help of the fingers. That will help keep headaches at bay during pregnancy.

It is an effective massage that can be comfortably performed in the comfort of your home. There are also some implements that are passed through the scalp and that produce a feeling of general well-being.

The muscles of the face and neck also receive a lot of tension on a day-to-day basis.  Since they are very sensitive muscles, by gently massaging them, the blood supply to the face improves efficiently, helping to reduce tension.

These massages are extremely simple. Movements should be made from the neck upwards with small touches with the tips of the fingers, passing through the chin, cheeks, ears, temples, forehead and, mainly, the eyebrows, a place where a lot of tension accumulates.

They are very relaxing and, in addition, they are suitable to perform them at any stage of pregnancy.

Many massages during pregnancy can be done at home.

2.- Leg, ankle and foot massages

Some of the massages that cannot be missed during the pregnancy phase are those that are done on the legs, ankles and feet. The lower extremities receive the greatest pressure overload, which is why they tend to suffer from pain, fluid retention, and swelling.

This causes a lot of discomfort for women throughout the pregnancy, especially as it progresses. Lower extremity massages help to activate circulation.

Ideally, you should receive the massages from a specialist, who will know what to do to have the best effect. Similarly, your partner can help at home with lighter massages.

With this type of massage, inflammation, pain, fluid retention and the appearance of leg cramps will decrease.

3.- Back massages

The lower back is one of the most affected during pregnancy. This is due to the weight gain experienced throughout this period. These are also massages that must be performed by a specialist.

With them, it is possible to reduce the tension in the lower back area; thus, the inflammation of the nerves and the muscles is avoided or at least diminished, which prevents possible contractures.

These massages are recommended from the second and third trimesters, which is when the weight gain becomes more noticeable.

Massages during pregnancy are good for moms and their babies.

4.- Massages in the perineal area

They are ideal to prepare for the time of delivery. It is a type of massage that can perfectly be done at home. 

Massages in the perineal area are recommended by obstetric specialists in the third trimester of pregnancy. The idea is to carry out stretching and light massages in the perianal area.

In this way, you can avoid breaking the area or performing an episiotomy at the time of delivery. It is best to do them for 5 minutes every day, about 6 weeks before your due date.

Before performing any type of massage during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult with the attending physician. He will be able to say which ones are right, plus the right amount and time.

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