Solidarity, The Best Teaching On The Coronavirus

We talk in this article about a powerful lesson that the coronavirus leaves us: the necessary solidarity between people as a way to combat it.
Solidarity, the best teaching of the coronavirus

The pandemic that the world is facing, caused by the coronavirus, leaves a great lesson for all of society, solidarity. Today we can already affirm that an insignificant and small virus, and at the same time powerful and omnipresent, as nobody could anticipate, has left us a good lesson.

Thus, all of us, as citizens of the world, are learning and confirming that solidarity between people is the only tool to overcome serious problems, as well as to advance and improve as a society.

Solidarity, the best teaching of the coronavirus

Education and teaching is a highly controversial subject, and it is always a matter of discussion what its objectives should be or how it should be organized and carried out.

However, in our days, there is an aspect around which both parents and education specialists are beginning to agree more, and that is the importance of practice and experience as a way of learning knowledge.

Well, what the whole world is having to live and experience, as a consequence of the coronavirus, is a lesson that we would not have been able to learn if they only told us about it. We have had to face an extreme situation so that, as humans, we can really learn what it means to be supportive. And check and find out what solidarity is, what it consists of and what benefits us all.

Child with a poster showing solidarity for the coronavirus.

At school, they insist on teaching children and adolescents curricular content related to values. And among these contents the theme of solidarity is fundamental, and around which, classes, lessons and various workshops are planned. And not only children, but the whole society in general, we could not imagine that we were going to learn, in such a practical and experiential way, about solidarity.

Thus, we are all learning by doing how the concept of solidarity works. Concept that, in theory, refers to unconditional support for causes or interests of others, especially in compromised or difficult situations. And, saving the differences, the coronavirus is not an outside cause, but a problem for everyone.

What does the coronavirus teach us about solidarity?

We are learning the teaching of solidarity that the coronvairus leaves us through lessons as clear as:

  • We all depend on everyone, and each individual action affects oneself and everyone else.
  • We should not and cannot underestimate the power of people when they do things together. Sometimes, it is the only strategy to achieve objectives.
  • No person is infinite, immortal, or better, or superior than anyone else. And what I have today and what gives me security can disappear in a second. In addition, it is true that at some point in our lives we need friendly hands and gestures to get ahead.
  • We must understand that true solidarity is built on sensitivity and empathy. It is built on the possibility of being able to improve the life and situation of another person who needs it, and does not understand colors, ages or economies.
  • It is useless to accumulate material things, money, houses, cars or clothes. In the end, the only thing we will take away from this life are moments with family and friends.
Food hung on the door of a house as a sign of solidarity, the best teaching of the coronavirus.

A reflection on what the coronavirus is teaching us

Faced with this pandemic caused by the coronavirus, there are many reflections, individual and collective, that, as a society, we must make. Reflections on the importance of caring for the planet and building an effective health system for all. As well as guaranteeing the protection of the most vulnerable social sectors, such as the elderly and children.

In addition, we must not neglect the safety and protection of those people who allow all citizens to have our basic needs covered.

But, surely, the best lesson that the coronavirus leaves us is solidarity. But, for this teaching, we have not yet passed the final exam, since, for this, we must be able to be supportive, in these circumstances and always.

Thus, in the future, when we have defeated the coronavirus and we regain our freedom to go out on the streets, to resume our social relationships and our daily lives, I hope we do not unlearn this teaching of solidarity. And let’s not lock ourselves up again, no longer in our homes, but in our selfishness, insecurities, racism, intransigence, opinions, and senseless wars.

Hopefully we continue, as a society, acting today and always under the premise of solidarity, and we recognize that a world of EVERYONE and for EVERYONE is a world in which people need and depend on each other.

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