Undertaking Motherhood, Walking A Path Full Of Stains

Stains are part of motherhood, because inevitably our little ones get stained all the time.
Undertake motherhood, walk a path full of stains

Undertaking motherhood is not simply bringing children into this world. There are many other underlying issues that you learn to deal with on a daily basis. In this way, when you become a mother, you discover that you begin to walk a path full of stains.

Yes, this is how you read it. Don’t you think so? You will see that with your little one, different spots will gradually appear. All of them, of a very different kind. You will notice on this path full of spots that you were unaware of many of these bulbs. You even forgot many of them.

There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Well, as many mothers reluctantly argue, if you have a child and your life has been filled with stains, it means that everything is going smoothly. If you still do not understand what we are talking about, pay attention because you will be surprised.

My child’s growth: a path full of spots

When you are a mother, you are also a mother of the stains of your children. These splashes tend to appear in the first instance during the baby’s first feeds. As a professional taster, you will see your child bring puree to every area of ​​his body.


While it is true that cleaning it is a headache, mothers are entertained by the end result of that kind of contemporary work of art. Now, the truth is that this type of filling is not the only one that you will know when you become a mother.

Leaving aside the juice stains that will last for years and years, there are also those dirt that are related to children’s tastes and passions. Of course, this path full of spots is not only a terrain for the distracted or those who still need to refine their motor skills.

Typical spots of children who dream and play

Being a mother or father is relatively easy. The difficult thing is being that of a son with a hobby that involves getting dirty when dreaming and playing. It is that, deep down, all children dream of being grown up and, in this way, they play at acting as what they want to transform into over time.

For example, one of the most common cases is that of mini-cooks. The entire table under flour and mixtures of all kinds. Her garments with egg, chocolate and red fruit stains. The mothers watching, absorbed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


Another case: child artists. This is perhaps one of the most complex bullet categories to combat. When the little ones bring out all the art that they carry inside, the subsequent fight is intense. Paint, colored plasticine, bubbles, porridge used like oil and much more is present throughout the house.

On the other hand, who has not dealt with mud splatters and even dirt stains typical of little jocks? This is another of the activities that children enjoy more than enough, but that later implies reinforcing the cleaning of the home, clothes and even personal hygiene.

Stains are synonymous with happiness

Among the noblest advice that can be given in this regard is not to be alarmed or despair. The reality is that this prepares children for the future and they thus have fun and learn. Also, after all, there is nothing that a good soap powder cannot combat.

After all, there is nothing that fills the soul of any parent more than seeing their child happy. Well, the smile of children is the driving force by which the world of every mother revolves. For the joy of that unique and special being, parents are able to forget everything.

I love being a mom!

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