What Diet Does Multiple Pregnancies Require?

Do you know what diet multiple pregnancies require? The answer lies in the nutrients that must be supplied for the little ones to develop perfectly. Find out how to do it.
What diet does multiple pregnancies require?

Have you heard the premise that pregnant women should eat for two? Although this is a totally misconception regarding portions, it is acceptable to some extent. The mother requires a higher intake of vitamins and minerals to help her provide them to the child without feeling affected. If you are having twins, twins or triplets, these needs are increased. Find out which diet multiple pregnancies require and enjoy the joy of being a mother doubly.

Feeding in multiple pregnancies

The diet that multiple pregnancies require is not much different from a single pregnancy. It is estimated that the mother should increase her intake by 400 calories, but in a healthy way. This means that the increase will be noticed in proteins, vegetables and fruits whose contribution of nutrients is guaranteed – therefore, this increase should not be done, for example, in processed foods.

In addition, there is a greater probability of suffering nausea or vomiting with greater intensity, since the hormonal changes are greater. All these aspects are integrated, so a personalized diet recommended by a specialist is necessary.


Nutrients Needed in Multiple Pregnancies

It has always been recommended that the mother eat healthy, so you should increase the consumption of vegetables, vegetables and fruits, as we have pointed out before. In the case of multiple pregnancies, this recommendation is maintained. However, there are especially important nutrients when two or more babies are in the womb in the process of formation, there may be a deficit of:


Calcium needs are increased in multiple pregnancies. This is because much of it is lost in the urine. Therefore, consumption should be around 1200 mg, which should come from healthy sources such as low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt. Also orange juice, broccoli, sardines, eggs, nuts, among others.

Folic acid

Folic acid is another essential element in all pregnancies, especially in multiples. With this supplement the risk of the child suffering from neural tube defects is significantly reduced. You can consume it as a supplement and increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, lettuce or broccoli, among others.


Iron is another element that is required in the diet of multiple pregnancies. This is because it  favors the transport of oxygen to all the cells of the tissues. This need is even more pressing when dealing with two fetuses, so that the deficiency translates into anemia.

In addition to consuming the supplements recommended by the doctor, you should include red meat, eggs and fish in your daily diet. It is recommended to drink orange juice, because vitamin C helps absorb iron for better use.


In addition, it intervenes in the formation of the placenta, so a deficit would bring serious consequences. For this reason, its consumption should be increased slightly and it should be of good quality to supply the essential amino acids. These can be: fish, chicken, beans, rice and oats, among others.


In multiple pregnancies it is also necessary to monitor the consumption of vitamins such as B6, D and C, as well as zinc and copper. The dosage in supplement form is generally the same as a single pregnancy, but must be supplemented with foods rich in these nutrients. These can be: Nuts, chickpeas, liver, fruits, among others.

On gaining weight in a multiple pregnancy

The amount of weight to gain is directly related to the weight you had prior to pregnancy, in addition to the mother’s body. For this reason, a pregnant woman with twins is expected to gain between 15 and 18 kg, and a mother of triplets up to 22 kg. To do this, avoid eating a diet high in carbohydrates and supply the needs with abundant vegetables and proteins. They provide the necessary nutrients and maintain the appropriate weight.

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