My Time: The Best Inheritance In Life

My time: the best inheritance in life

My little love, I want to give you everything before it is time to part. Well, one day it will be time to leave. By then, I would like to have filled you with the most precious treasures that I can endow you with. I will give you without a doubt the best inheritance of my life: my time.

It may not have material wealth but you will see that it will be the key to your growth and development. Emotionally healthy, with a strong spirit. This is how you will be thanks to that great legacy that I also want you to transmit to your children.

Well, believe it or not, there lies the secret of your happiness and the spice of life itself. In my time you will find everything you need to develop as a person. Without a doubt, with that relic you will create a unique personality that nothing and no one can stop.

Many will think that what I want to give you is little. But they are absolutely wrong. It is the greatest treasure that I can give you in your early childhood, and even in your adulthood. With those moments of shared quality, it will not take long for many extra seasonings to arrive that will make a difference in your soul.

My time will nurture you

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It is that my inheritance not only contemplates all my time. Well, with him, we will share beautiful moments, those that will leave a mark on your heart. In this way we will forge tender and sympathetic anecdotes that will mark your soul and will always steal at least one happy smile.

By saying that I give my time, understand that you will also receive my patience, the one that was born the day you came into my life. It also preserves my body, the one that became a cradle for nine months and today is given in the form of affection. Hugs, kisses, caresses and pampering will protect you from all evil.

With my inheritance, you will see how I also give my dedication, dedication and sacrifice. Far from taking a toll, because I do everything for a deep and ardent love that exceeds me. Simply take this act of generosity and responsibility, of incalculable eternal, infinite and unshakable affection.

It will be this small great wealth that I want to leave you in life, the one that nourishes your being day by day. The one that gives you the most valuable tools to face life. They will form that little person of whom I will always feel enormous pride, and whom I will admire with all my might.

My time, my gift

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I truly believe that I leave my best legacy in life for you to learn and understand. Only then will I know that you will pass it on to your children. When I must leave this world, I will do so in absolute peace and quiet. At the end of the day, throughout my life I have been giving you everything I have and what I am.

With my time there will be no emotional deficiencies, there will be no injuries or pain. I promise you a thousand afternoons of games, many talks, so many pampering and some forgiveness. I swear that I will ensure that the light of your smile never goes out and illuminates the lives of those who appreciate you in a way that you cannot imagine.

With my time, son, I give you nothing less than my example. I will preach with him what you must necessarily learn to build your better future. Even without knowing it, I will end up teaching you with my own genuine and natural action.

You will understand solidarity, you will eradicate envy and selfishness. You will understand what it means to love and surrender without expecting anything in return. Doing good, thinking of others disinterestedly. To speak less and to listen more. To interpret silences, to analyze looks.

So you can also accompany in good times, rejoicing in the triumphs and achievements of others. But above all, you will value the company in the worst circumstances. You will not fear error, and you will learn the lesson after each mistake, as annoying as it is necessary for our lives.

That is all I intend to leave you when the angels come looking for me. You may feel that it is little, since it is not a material good. But believe me my life, it is wealth for the healthy soul. For that reason, dear, the best inheritance I will give you in life, and it will be nothing less than my time.

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