What To Do To Make The Baby Stop Crying Quickly?

Crying is the only means of expression that babies have. As parents, we must acknowledge the reason for the complaint and do what we can to calm it down. Loving, breastfeeding, and walks are often great remedies when a baby cries.
What to do to make the baby stop crying quickly?

The arrival of a baby is a great joy for the family. So when your child cries, the normal or immediate reaction is to pick him up. Sometimes we consent to it, but there will be those who will tell you “let him cry”, and since his needs depend on his parents, it is common for them to do it to be cared for.

There are no magic formulas for the baby to stop crying, but methods, techniques and skills developed by pediatricians and parents.

Reasons why your baby cries

As parents, and even more so as first-timers, we have a daily task in front of us: learning to interpret the baby’s signals. The causes that make a baby cry are varied, including:

  • She is hungry : it is the most common and perhaps the easiest to attend to with her mother’s breast.
  • Colic – Gas in your stomach can make you cry frequently.
  • Dirty diaper : the discomfort generated can disturb him in such a way that he will end up crying for attention.
  • Sleep : Although it may be easy to sleep because of tiredness, it is not so easy for babies. They can become irritated and lose sleep.
  • Arms : it is normal for them to demand attention and affection and also to cry for it.
  • Temperature changes : they will express their discomfort to these changes with crying.
  • Teething : Your teeth pushing and breaking your gums cause them pain. Result: more crying.
  • Health : if your baby does not feel well, perhaps due to a viral condition such as fever or some other condition, he will cry. This cry may be different, so you should know how to interpret it when it appears.
Getting a baby to stop crying takes patience.

What to do to stop crying?

The aforementioned points expose the most common causes of crying in babies. However, keep in mind that sometimes your baby may cry for no apparent reason.

Anyway, a mother can learn to calm her child, and what else but her maternal instinct to do so. For this reason, we will list the basic aids that every mother should know so that the baby stops crying. Consider these tips:

  • Rocking him: if there is a favorite place for the baby, it is  his mother’s lap. Just feeling in his arms creates security.
  • Take it out for a walk: whether it’s just around the house or garden, that sense of movement and visual experience will calm you down. Sometimes your baby will require a little more entertainment and you will have to take your vehicle out and take it for a few laps. This can become a bad habit, but it is effective.
  • A massage: a moisturizing cream and mother’s hands will be a great antidote for the baby to stop crying.
  • A change of arms: Believe it or not, your baby will also want to experiment. While your arms are preferred, testing other sensations is a normal process in your baby’s development.
  • Feel mom: to make the baby stop crying, take him on your chest and lie down so  he can feel your heart and its beating. That position will make him feel your warmth and protection. In addition, it will remind him of his experience in your belly and this will calm him down.
  • Breastfeed him: this natural resource will never let you down. By doing so, he will be able to feel a total attachment to you  and will enjoy eye contact that will continue to strengthen his relationship with you.

Additional tips for the baby to stop crying

As a mother getting to know your baby, you will always have an ace up your sleeve. If he cries and you still don’t know why or you have already tried the previous six points, why don’t you take him for a walk and interact with him? 

Tell him everything you do. Show him something attractive or new to him, perhaps a painting, a flower, or whatever is on the other side of the window.

On the other hand, you could also choose to remove his diaper for a few moments so that he feels free and experiences that new sensation. These are situations in daily life in which you will learn different options for the baby to stop crying.

Finally, if your child is not hungry, sleepy and not feeling bad, it is likely that he is bored and needs a break. Even at a tender and young age,  your baby experiences a growth process in which he will need to explore new situations.

Therefore, these simple tips at your fingertips will allow your baby to calm down naturally. The best tool, of course, is the love that only you as a mother can offer her.

5 tricks to calm your baby's crying

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