18 Mythological Names For Boys

Naming a child is not an easy task for many, so it is necessary to review various options and inquire into the meanings.
18 mythological names for boys

Given that there are a large number of names, originality is one of the aspects that should be taken into account when naming that baby that is on the way. Therefore, we offer you a selection of mythological names for boys that will surely inspire you. Whether you are fond of myths and legends or not, these names will transmit you part of a series of powerful stories that, without a doubt, will leave you a great legacy.

Now, let’s remember that the search and selection of a name is a journey that can become very interesting as we progress in our investigation. In this sense, curiosity will be our best ally. On the other hand, we must not forget that the selection of a name carries a great responsibility. We must be original but we must also have common sense.

In addition, mythological names for boys are usually unusual and do not usually expire with time, since they carry a very rich background. They are generally names that are related to great adventures, feats and relationships. For this reason, these names have a strength and a shine of their own without equal.

Mythological names for boys

1. Phoenix

This is the name of the famous immortal bird capable of being reborn from its ashes every 500 years. It is said that the phoenix was a glorious, noble, majestic animal, and that is why it managed to inspire the first great civilizations. In fact, he is often mentioned in Arabic poetry.

Also, the phoenix has great spiritual power, therefore using it as a name can help convey great value to the baby. Likewise, it must be remembered that the phoenix is ​​associated with the sun king and, of course, fire. Therefore, it could be a name full of vital energy.

2. Adonis

A very beautiful name, as Greek mythology says that it was its bearer. A man of great beauty and unique charms, even the goddesses Aphrodite and Persephone disputed his love. So this name has adopted the meaning of “Beautiful”.

3. Alexander: mythological names for boys

A very popular name among dads. It is a variant of the name Alejandro which in turn comes from the Greek Alexàndros. It is a name with a powerful meaning, as Alexander is the protector of humanity. Children with this name are usually very independent and with an innate sense of leadership.

4. Bastian

A name of Greek origin, which comes from the name Sebastòs which means “revered” or “respected”.  It is a name with a lot of character, which when intoned sounds strong. Bastian is an unmistakable name.

5. Apollo

A very famous god in Greek mythology, he is represented with great beauty. He was the god of light, day and the sun. Son of Zeus and Leto. Its meaning is “the one that takes away from death.” Also, it is a name to consider.

6. Ulysses

Name of the king of the island of Ithaca, hero of Greek mythology. The children who bear this beautiful name are committed, thoughtful, and respectful. Therefore, this name is ideal to keep in mind.

7. Damien: more mythological names for boys

Name of Greek origin, its meaning is “tamer”, children with this name are usually respectful, kind, patient. As if that were not enough, this name provides a lot of strength in its pronunciation.

30 mythological names for boys.

Mythological names for boys with a lot of personality

8. Silvano

He was the protector of the fields and borders. Children who carry this name usually enjoy nature and the company of animals. Also, this name is very meaningful to your baby.

9. Hercules

The most famous god in Greek mythology, son of Zeus and Thebes, a beautiful mortal. Boys with this name are brave and will enjoy great virility. As if that were not enough, this name is traditional and unusual.

10. Angus

The god of love from Celtic mythology. Singing made couples fall in love completely. Therefore, this name is ideal to put a baby and show him all your love even before he is born.

11. Balder

A name from Norse mythology. He is the god of innocence, truth and light. An unusual name that will make your child stand out. In addition, it is a name that will fit very well with your baby.

12. Colin

Name of Greek origin, which means strong like a bear. The children who bear this name are practical, realistic, with a lot of energy to achieve all their goals. Also, it is a name to keep in mind.

13. Finn

A hero of Irish mythology, he is considered the defender of Ireland. Children with this name are fighters, persevering, intuitive. Also, even if it is rare, it is a good candidate for your baby’s name.

14. Héctor: more mythological names for boys

Great hero of Greek mythology, prince of the island of Ithaca. The children who bear this name are patient, respectful, courageous and committed. Therefore, you can take this name into consideration for your little one.

30 mythological names for boys.

15. Ares

Ares was the Greek god of war, therefore this is a name with a lot of character. It transmits independence, determination, leadership ability, strength and energy. Therefore, it is a name to consider for your great little treasure.

16. Tristan

It was the name of the famous hero of the legend “Tristan and Isolde” and also an honorable knight from the legends of King Arthur. Of Latin origin, its meaning is “he who does not show his sadness”. Widely used in Italy, France and the United Kingdom. Children who bear this name are attentive and sensible.

17. Dylan: we continue with mythological names for children

Next, it is said to mean “son of the sea.” Children with this name have great imagination and creativity, they are very studious and they like to complete all their projects. Therefore, this name is ideal!

18. Hermes

On the other hand, Hermes is the son of the god Zeus and the goddess Maya. Hermes was the messenger of the gods. Children with this name are very sincere, very attentive and very respectful. Therefore, this is a perfect name candidate for your baby.

Finally, if you liked the mythological names for children, do not hesitate to continue inquiring about the myths behind them. You may discover many more interesting facts that will be worth telling your child as he grows up. You will surely be very proud to call yourself that.

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