5 Things You Should Know About Virtual Education

What should you know if you plan to enroll your child in a virtual school?
5 things you should know about virtual education

The choice of virtual education over traditional schools is a growing trend. More and more parents come to technology-mediated pedagogical meetings because they find many advantages in them. For example, a family that must constantly move may think that an institution that does not require displacement is a good option for their children.

When talking about virtual education or cyber schools, we must start by knowing that they must be approved by the Education Departments of each country. The study plans must be endorsed by the government so that the standards and requirements established for public and private institutions of face-to-face modality are met.

Advantages of virtual education

1. Flexibility

With virtual education, students and their families have the possibility of choosing the most convenient spaces and times. School years usually have the same duration and calendar as in face-to-face schools,  but the times are variable. There is often the option to contact a tutor at any time or to access the recorded lessons that are stored.

2. Time available

In traditional education, children spend approximately eight hours of their day in school activities. The academic day, breaks, commuting, and extra-class homework hours comprise the vast majority of time.

5 things you should know about virtual education.

With virtual classrooms, on the other hand, effective class sessions are around five or six a day. In addition, there is the option of advancing content in the subjects in which good results are obtained.

3. The cost of virtual education

Contrary to what many would believe, in many ways it is cheaper to resort to virtual education. The amounts dedicated to transport and certain elements of study required in person are saved. The initial investment should be made in a good computer, headphones, microphone and the materials that are requested during the process.

4. Multimedia resources

It is no secret that children and adolescents in modern society have a special affinity for technology. Accessing interactive learning sources, animations, and learning spaces that are more like a social network than a conventional classroom can be a great source of motivation.

5. Development of autonomy

When children are involved and responsible for their own learning processes, they develop qualities such as discipline and independence. Also you can spend more time on topics or subjects that cause more difficulty and less stress on the easily assimilated. Each student can learn at their own pace.

Disadvantages of virtual education

  • Those who are against this type of academic training argue that it lacks social interaction. Although there are collective activities assisted through platforms, human contact does not materialize.
  • Technological failures are factors that can hinder the educational process in a virtual environment. If you do not have access to good computer equipment or a fast internet connection, it will be difficult to study the lessons as expected.
  • Because all students are different , some require more support and motivation from the teacher and peers. In addition, those who have difficulty concentrating or making good use of time will find many distractions studying at home.
  • There are virtual institutions that are not endorsed by the regulatory organizations of formal education. If one of these institutions is chosen,  there may be problems when it comes to validating the degrees or degrees completed and approved by a student.
    5 things you should know about virtual education.

    Virtual education is a way of responding to a demand of today’s society. More and more people choose this training model that has many points in favor and others that not everyone likes. Before opting for a type of schooling, one must assess which strategies may work best for each child.

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