Sun, Enemy Or Ally Of Baby’s Skin?

Sun, enemy or ally of baby's skin?

Of King Star  Everything has been said, such as that it can cause severe damage but that it also brings multiple benefits for humans. That being the case, is the sun an enemy or ally of the baby’s skin? Here we will tell you if it is favorable or not for your little one.

Mothers always want to take care of the well-being of our child, we take care of keeping them as healthy as possible and in this process multiple factors intervene, such  as the dozens of advice and recommendations we receive, especially if it is a first time.

At this point there is a dilemma about the sun and its effects on the baby’s skin, that is why we must take preventive measures and consult the doctor.  Specialists point out that, in its proper measure, the sun is an ally for a child, but if it is received indiscriminately and without proper care, it can become an enemy.

The sun can have serious consequences for the health of your baby if you do not monitor the time in which the skin is exposed, even if it needs its vitamins.  Pediatricians, dermatologists and other connoisseurs of the subject agree that a baby’s skin is especially delicate, so it is necessary to pay particular attention and careful .

The sun’s rays will not harm it if you know exactly how to expose it

Why is the sun an ally for babies?

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It is advisable not to expose the baby’s skin directly to the sun, as it could generate burns,  which in principle, although they may seem imperceptible, cause terrible discomfort and even very harmful injuries to the child.

What the experts suggest is to give the baby “sun baths”, which are nothing more than Controlled exposures at a suitable time, calculated time and in conditions suitable for their due use.

The sun is far from being the enemy of baby’s skin if applied in the right way, at the right times.

The so-called sun baths have been, since the beginning of time, a tool to cure and prevent some diseases, because the star king is a natural source of vitamin D that helps the body absorb minerals  that promote the development of bones and teeth.

The sun also helps to fortify the immune system, it also helps to revitalize the digestive system and producing positive effects on the central nervous system and muscles of the body.

It is well known that a little daily sun can help relieve a common cold, as well as contribute to the cure of other diseases such as tuberculosis, rickets and the prevention of jaundice.

How to do a correct sun bath for your baby?

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Here are some guidelines to properly sun your baby:

  • Do not expose the child directly to ultraviolet rays. Sunbathing should be in a place in the house where it is not prone to drafts and where light enters through a window.
  • About clothing. When your baby receives a bath in sunlight, he should wear little clothes, trying to cover his genitals, it is best to leave the diaper on.
  • Set up a chair, table, or safe place for him to take a bath.
  • Eye care. Do not allow the sun’s rays to come directly into their sight, the ideal is to cover their eyes with a cloth or towel.
  • The best schedule. The perfect time for you to give your little one a bath is before ten in the morning and after five in the afternoon, at this time the sun’s rays are not harmful to the skin.
  • Exhibithion time. It is advisable to make the baths a routine that does not take more than ten minutes a day. Exposing it for longer could cause irritation and complications for the skin.  Five minutes face up and five minutes face down will be more than enough.
  • Ambient temperature. If there is excessive heat or very strong winds, do not expose your baby to the sun to avoid suffocating or catching a cold.
  • On the beach or places where the sun’s rays are very strong, it is vital to protect it with an umbrella.

Taking these tips, the sun will be an ally and not an enemy for your little one’s skin.

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