How To Raise An Introverted Child

How to raise an introverted child

An introverted child is like any other, he is normal and intelligent, he should not be treated differently. However, he needs us to adapt to him and his way of acting. Sometimes we can be somewhat demanding with the little ones, especially when they do not behave the same as others.

It is important to help him adjust, but in a respectful, fair and considerate way. Sometimes we try to encourage introverted children to do things like other children. However, we don’t always use the right words or assume the right attitude.

In addition to being introverts, these children can be very sensitive, which is why we must be tactful in dealing with them. On the other hand, it is convenient to make sure that it is only about shyness or introversion and not another problem. In most cases, they will behave like this all the time, and for them it is normal.

The introverted child is not sick

To understand what our children feel, it is advisable to put ourselves in their shoes. Perhaps we who are also introverts are judging them mercilessly. If we are sure that he is a healthy child, that he does not have any particular disorder or problem, we must give him his time.


Usually it is a matter of personality, we are not all the same. Perhaps it is their way of perceiving and learning from the example. We all learn with a mirror, but not in the same way.

In such a case, being an introvert is a trait of that person. In other words, it is not a sudden change caused by an external factor. Therefore, to make sure of this, it is convenient to observe that its behavior is permanent. So, it is not a sociable child who changed for something we do not know, if so, it may be a sign of depression.

How to treat the introverted child?

The most important thing is to understand introversion. Once we have ruled out any disorder, it is advisable to adapt the way we raise them. For example, if we read books and take parenting ideas from experts or other parents, we will miss the ones who are different.

Remember that education can become standard in many systems. Therefore, the techniques and tips are aimed at a group of children in normal standards, that is, they are not suitable for introverts and not for extroverts. So, to help you we can consider the following recommendations.

  • Learn about the characteristics of the introverted child. With a list of facts about his behavior, they will have a better chance of identifying and understanding him. Knowing the most common traits of introversion allows us to understand it and therefore stop worrying.
  • Avoid pressuring him to make friends or do things he doesn’t want to do. It is normal for these children to feel good alone or with fewer people. You will surely have a better relationship with some children than with others. It is not necessary that they behave as others would, as long as we see them happy and healthy, there is nothing to worry about.
  • Accept it as it is. If our son is very different from other children, from his siblings or classmates because of his introversion, not a bad thing. However, some form of repression or obligation can cause more harm than your own introversion.
  • Let us respect your preferences. In the case of the introverted child, preferences when it comes to playing or spending free time can be really disconcerting. However, sometimes parents can make the mistake of wanting to change their tastes. Locking himself in his room, reading alone or being distracted by anything, are part of his personality and do not constitute a serious problem.


    • Let’s be careful how we talk to them. It is believed that the introverted child is sensitive, he can understand that if we correct his behavior it is because we do not love him. If we don’t show enough understanding with his introversion, we can hurt him unnecessarily.
    • Let us support our child in his actions and decisions. Let us understand its nature and help it to improve what is necessary. It is possible that other people try to pressure you to change, for example your teachers, in this case our support is paramount.

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