10 Essential Toys For Our Children

10 essential toys for our children

Christmas is coming, so here we suggest the best toys according to their age and the benefits they have.

Infants learn by playing! In fact, when your little one’s life is just beginning, this is how they begin to experience the world. They explore, feel and develop their creativity over time.

Playing is creating your own ideas , they imagine, they make representations and they project themselves. This is the channel to learn to crawl, walk and even speak. Play is an unconscious method of obtaining knowledge.

For this reason, it is vital that you know how to choose the toys that you will buy for your little one. Especially in very early ages, you have the ability to influence their learning through these.

Toys with sounds are an excellent alternative to boost recognition in them

A baby’s first toys

In the first months of your infant  the important thing is that they learn to discover and use their little body little by little. Another fundamental aspect is that the child can interact with different shapes, textures and colors.

For this reason, the first toys should be bright and colorful, but simple in structure. The rattles  They are an excellent alternative and there are different figures and characters. The Teethers correctly stimulate your gums.

These two toys are great for entertaining from zero to six months. He also considers that everything must be palpated, so a funny crib mobile it will distract you before and after naps, helping you develop eyesight and distinguish colors .

The little ones  they begin to move their limbs with greater awareness and must be trained to control their movements. This is when the balls arrive that he will be able to throw and kick.

Help your little one improve motor skills

Playing for the first year


Between 13 and 19 months, your child will already be walking with great ease. That is why at this time you must stimulate the ability in their little legs. Pedal carts exercise them while imagining they are pilots .

To continue to help them with mastery of their movements, the matching geometric shapes games they will be fabulous. In addition, they will learn what the basic figures are, also promoting their memorization process.

The action figures they cannot be absent. They will no longer have to be as basic as the ones you used during the first months, but it is recommended that your pieces be medium in size to avoid any accident.

Role plays will come from 2 to 6 years old

kids toys

At these ages, your child will express more complex ideas. They explore their tastes and role plays become everyday. Their creativity will be on the surface and they will want to express it in multiple ways.

During this stage the colors and paints they are vital. Through these implements they will express their ideas and creativity. In addition, they will demonstrate their ability to interpret images that they see in their day to day.

Between 2 and 3 years old, all those things that help them play games will be very good.  of roles. They will pretend that they are doctors or superheroes. The little girls of the house will play to be like their mommy with the help of a wrist .

Share and interact with your little one and technology

From 7 to 9 years the game is more real

As children grow, they feel a need to make what they see come true. It is when, for example, they can begin to practice a sport that catches their attention. Your athlete will give his first samples of talent!

You can teach them to ride bike , which will be a new and refreshing experience. At first it will be difficult, but when they learn they will spend very entertaining afternoons with the wind blowing on their foreheads.

Due to the advancement of new technologies, it is likely that they will soon ask you for a Video game console . The important thing is to guide them in the type of games they will have. Help them choose adventure titles and avoid violent content at an early age .

Games like Mario Bros will be fun and pose challenges for them to solve.

Sooner or later our children  they will want to contact us with the computer . To deprive them of this is to give them an educational and learning disadvantage. The important thing is not to exaggerate and put limits on schedules and content . Slowly!

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