When People Criticize Me Because I Still Have My Child In The Cart

The upbringing and growth of children is something completely different depending on the case. There is an age range for carrying children in the stroller, but sometimes this can be slightly exceeded.
When people criticize me because I still have my child in the cart

There are people who, in their eagerness to meddle in other people’s lives, judge mothers of excess permissiveness or sloppiness every time they see a child older than 3 years old who is still in the stroller. Almost no one wonders if perhaps that child has a maturation problem or a disease that simply prevents him from having the autonomy of other children.

This is what many mothers and fathers with children with Down Syndrome or other developmental problems feel and that forces them to carry their children in pushchairs at very advanced ages. Moreover, sometimes and to speed up this transport to the nursery , for example, many families decide to put the child in the stroller to go faster. Because otherwise, the child would get tired and the journey would be much more difficult.

However, the basic problem is always the ease with which a judgment and a grievance are rendered without knowing. A mother pulling a cart with a 5-year-old does not have to be an overly permissive mother. Not “a staunch defender of natural breeding.” Perhaps you are the mother of a child with joint problems.

We have to be much more respectful and sensitive. Likewise, each family is very free to apply the strategies they want in raising their children if they know at all times what their needs are. We suggest you reflect on it.

The 5-year-old girl who still rides a cart

A few months ago the story of a girl named Madison was published in the magazine “Little Things”. She is a little over 5 years old and her family still carries her in a cart. She is also quite a tall girl for her age, and this means that she is always pointed out every time her parents take her out for a walk.

“‘It’s too big!” they say to him behind his back between laughter and ridicule. Madison, listen and put your head down. Finally, Rachel, the mother, was forced to tell her story on her own blog “Life on my family and me”. The girl suffers from “Joint Hypermobility Syndrome”. She can walk like any child her age, with the only difference that she gets tired very quickly. And when you do, you experience severe pain in your feet, ankles, and knees.

In summer the pain increases, and hence, her parents always take her in a cart. He takes anti-inflammatories and there are more difficult times, although there are months, when he can lead a completely normal life.

His story recently became relevant to that ease with which a family is sometimes judged so cruelly, accusing it of bad upbringing when what there really is is immense love.

Madison, age 5

Up to what age can children go in the stroller?

As we already know, older children will always attract attention if they go in a stroller. On average, a child should be able to walk next to mom and dad at about two and a half or 3 years.

However, there are many nuances to consider.

Long trips to the nursery or grandparents’ house

If we choose not to use the car and take a two-and-a-half-year-old boy or girl for a longer or shorter walk, the issue becomes more complicated. At this age they will hardly make a journey of more than 10 or 15 minutes.

If, in addition, we are in a hurry, the cart will continue to be that helpful “refuge” where we can safely take our children.

family in baby carriages

At 3 years we must begin to negotiate with them

If our son does not have any mobility problems, it is the perfect age to start negotiating small journeys with them that we will do hand in hand. It is an ideal time to teach him rules of civility, when to cross a zebra crossing, when to stop, where to look or the need to never let go of Mom and Dad’s hand …

They are simple strategies that we can do in short walks of 20 minutes where everything is stimulating. As they get older, they will gain the stamina to walk longer without getting tired. However, it is best to start with short walks.

My child will still take time to become autonomous

Each child has their rhythms and their times. It is not necessary to see how a problem to continue walking them in the stroller when they are 4 or 5 years old if they need it. What other people think does not matter. What is truly essential is that our child goes outside, receives stimulation, listens, feels and gets involved in everything that life has in store for him or her.

girl in cart

It may take a little longer to become autonomous. In putting your feet safely on the ground to move forward without falling, so that your legs support your weight and balance to start running.

It doesn’t matter when that day is. As mothers, as fathers and people who love this child, we will be with him at every step to attend to all his needs.

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