Matronation: A Wonderful Experience

Midwifery: a wonderful experience

Midwifery is not just about helping a baby learn to swim. In fact, swimming is a mechanism that will settle later. The main purpose is to promote a fabulous psychomotor stimulation in the child, while intensifying the bond between the mother or father and their child.

Thus, it is necessary to clarify terms. Many people think that with this type of exercise we achieve as soon as possible that our children learn to swim and thus avoid the terrible drowning so common in children under 3 years of age. Now, as the experts tell us It is not until the age of 4 that the body of the little ones has sufficient conditions to perfectly integrate the exercise of swimming.

We should never be careless in this regard. However, starting as soon as possible in this intimate contact with water is always very optimal. With midwifery we are going to achieve many things: promote psychomotor development, enhance their security and spend wonderful moments with our children.

Midwifery: 5 aspects that we must take into account

If in your city or town there is a pool set up for these types of activities, consider the idea of ​​getting closer with your baby. If you like swimming, if you want to get out of the routine a bit and give your child new and fabulous learning opportunities, do not hesitate, midwifery is an experience that you will not regret.

These are 5 dimensions that we must take into account and that will help you decide.

mom with baby in pool

1. What are the benefits of midwifery?

  • We will promote your relaxation and your safety.
  • By practicing simple mobility exercises, such as learning to float, to turn, to move the legs and arms to move forward in and under the water, we promote their motor coordination.
    • All this will help you mature with greater confidence, stimulating the brain areas related to the psychocomotor system.
    • In addition, we increase the cardiorespiratory resistance of the baby. It is something fabulous, and it could prevent, for example, asthma problems in the future.
    • Likewise, if midwifery is followed later by ordinary swimming exercises for children between 3 and 4 years old, we establish this process more safely to avoid accidents.
    • If we practice midwifery for two years, we will also raise children who are more interactive, more observant, with more creativity …
    • Nor do we forget the relational plane. For a baby who makes contact with other children and other adults it will also help him to relate much better.

    2. When can I start midwifery with my baby?

    Pediatricians recommend that we wait until 4-5 months. Until this age it would not be very suitable because the immune system of the little ones is not yet mature enough.

    We run the risk of suffering from infections to annoying otitis. However, we also know that each child is different, and while some may be more than ready at 3 months, others, due to being born prematurely, for example, will have to wait until 6 months.

    If in doubt, consult your pediatrician.

    3. What type of pool should I choose?

    There is one aspect that we must take into account: we must not practice matronation alone by going, for example, to our community or municipal swimming pool.

    • Go to the centers where midwifery is carried out where suitable professionals will guide you in every aspect.
    • The pools should always be covered and heated, where the water temperature is always above 32 degrees Celsius.
    drink under water practicing midwifery

    4. At what time of the day should I attend midwifery classes?

    The schedule is an important issue. These classes should not disrupt the routines of our babies. By this, we mean not to “break” the reconciliation of your hours of sleep and food.

    Midwifery sessions usually last about 35 minutes. It is not much, but obviously we have to count the movements, dressing the babies, changing them … etc. It is a time that we must calculate correctly.

    However, there is one fact that we must not forget: if our baby is one of those who usually have sleep problems and who wake up frequently, midwifery may be our answer.

    5. What do I need to attend midwifery classes?

    It is best to ask for information from the centers that carry out these activities. The main question that all mothers usually have is the issue of the diaper. What kind of clothes should the little ones wear during these sessions?

    baby with dad in pool
    • There are reusable swim diapers that are really practical and designed for these activities.
      • Also take a hooded towel for the baby, since when they get out of the water they immediately notice the change in temperature.
      • Many mothers and fathers usually take one of those toys that they use during bathing hours at home, in this way, they feel familiar with these objects in a new environment.
      • If the child is already starting to take solids, do not hesitate to take a ready container with a snack.

      Maternity is very hungry!

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