Botany Classes For Children

It is not just about observing and studying trees and plants. Botany is much more than that, and your little one can draw great conclusions from it. What if you desert in him an unknown passion for the environment?
Botany classes for children

Among the many activities and subjects that children have at their disposal, there is one that connects them in a particular way with the environment. We are talking about botany for children, an alternative of vital importance today, although it does not always receive the space it deserves.

Botany is a branch of biology that is dedicated to the study of plants in all their aspects. Precisely, among the many origins of its name, the Greek term  botánē,  which means ‘grass’, represents it very clearly.

Basically, it is a science that is dedicated to studying the life of vegetables. Included here are their food sources, their role in the food chain and in each ecosystem, and also their relationship with other living beings, which are based on the oxygen that they expel to survive.

Beyond its relevance as a science, botany for children is essential to make them aware of the role of vegetation on this planet. Thanks to it, they will learn to recognize species and will acquire a taste for growing their own trees, plants and flowers.

Some schools in rural areas and also those with an orientation to natural sciences have a space in the curriculum dedicated to natural sciences. Next, we will dwell on its benefits and the planning of botany classes for children.

Benefits of children learning about botany

Although a priori it is not a subject that catches your attention immediately, the plants present varieties that will be very attractive for the little ones. As always, it is one thing to read about something in books, but it is quite another to witness and examine it in person.

Botany classes for children will motivate the following benefits in them:

  • It will awaken interest in the knowledge of the species that make up their daily environment.
  • You will learn to care for and improve the environment.
  • You will be able to know and transmit the importance of preserving flora throughout the planet.
  • A passion may be awakened in him that could well become a hobby or a vocation.
  • It is a subject that requires permanent contact with nature and the outdoors.
Mothers can also get involved to complement botany activities for kids at home.

Activities for botany classes for children

1. Theoretical class

In the first place, initiation activities in the matter should be considered. Study materials such as books and summaries can be used, as well as videos, photographs, diagrams, and others.

These classes will address topics such as types of plants, their functions, places where they develop and the effects of climate change on each species, among many other issues. It is also a good time to discuss how to contribute to the care of the flora in our region.

2. Let’s get to work!

Nothing better to learn than to do it yourself. By assembling germinators or gardens, children can learn the whole process that a seed goes through until it becomes the plant that we see as a result.

This activity can lead to other more significant ones, such as planting trees in public places or in the same educational institution.

3. Excursions

If they have parks or nature reserves near the school, it will be a great alternative to get out of the usual classes and get to know these species first-hand.

In these outings you can observe the variety of flora and fauna, the relationship between them and also the natural development of living beings away from the hands of man. In certain places, they also have endangered species that are worthy of admiration.

Later, this visit can serve to deepen the topics given in class. What have you seen that caught your attention? Are there differences between natural plants with respect to those we plant at home, at school or those we see in the squares?

4. Other activities

In addition to the ones we have already discussed, we can also find specific books for the little ones to learn even more about the subject.

If you want to spend a nice afternoon with your son, you can invite him to go out to collect. On the way to the park or any other place, collect leaves, seeds and fruits of the different trees and then try to find out what species it is. A secret: if you take pictures and upload them to the search engine, the specific plant you are looking for will appear.

Botany for children will put them in permanent contact with nature.

Finally, you can also suggest starting a project together. To do this, take a notebook and assign each new species to find a leaf. In it, put their characteristics (scientific name, type, family, season, etc.) and they can even paste a sheet or at least draw and color it.

As you may have noticed, botany for kids is not just about sitting down and reading about trees and plants. It is much more than that: it can be an initial point of contact for your children to love nature for the rest of their lives.

Going camping with the children, quite an adventure!

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